Rose Dawson

does anyone now what cabin rose and her mother ruth bukater was in also do you now if thare real names was rose dewitt bukater,and ruth dewitt bukater, im also looking for the boyfriend of rose cal hockley and what cabin he was in and one more thing is any of them still liveing.thanks diane
Hi Diane,

Rose, her mother and Caledon Hockley only existed in the movie, they were not real life passengers. In the movie, they had cabins B52-54-56.

Just so you know, this is not the proper area for questions on the movie, but we do have an area called "Titanic Movies" on here.

Best regards,

Hallo, Diane. Although the main characters were fictional, quite a lot of the others in the film were real people, like Mrs 'Molly' Brown (her real name was Margaret), the Countess of Rothes, the millionaire J J Astor and the ship's designer Thomas Andrews. And of course Captain Smith. You can look them all up in the biography section. In the movies section of this message board you'll find lots of people who like to talk about the fictional characters too.
>>There is only one survivor list, and it is indeed accurate to the last person.<<

Then why is the passenger manifest continuously being updated? The real passenger list was incomplete and erroneous in several aspects. The list appended to the end of Eaton and Haas' 1995 edition is just such a list. When it came to Titanic, there were plenty of inconsistencies, incongruities, last-minute bookings and cancellations, no-shows, misnomers, slip-offs, incorrect assumptions, missing and/or outdated information, crossed communication wires, even decades of faded or eroded documentation - you name it! Because of this, it would be a virtual impossibility to develop a completely accurate survivor, or death toll, list when we do not know for certain as to every single person who was or was not on that ship in the first place. There were just too many people. Even today new information on passengers and crew continues to develop and come to light. Researchers may be good, they may be thorough, but they are by no means perfect. Sorry.
>>the old couple in bed went down with ship.<<

Sam, the old couple were supposed to be the Strausses, and, in reality, they never went back to their suite, nor did they go down with the ship. Strauss' body was discovered (#96), which proves that. Since Ida and Isidor Strauss apparently never separated, it's likely that Mrs. Strauss didn't go down in the ship either. It makes sense that the two stuck together all the way through the end.

Just a side note.
>>no bodies were found after titanic sank they all floated and later sank and irish mom put her kids to bed went down with the ship.<<

I'm sure that would come as quite a shock to the people on the boat commanded by 5th Officer Lowe and the Mackay-Bennet. They had no problem finding bodies and the people of Halifax had no problem laying them to rest in their cemetaries.
And, by the way, Sam, Mr. Strauss' body was indeed found (#96). The Irish woman and her two kids were fictional characters, composites of real people. Some , unfortunately, went down inside the Titanic, but most froze to death. Approximately 328+ bodies were found by various search vessels over a two-month period following the tragedy.
Samuel, The recovery team(s) found HIS body and not hers. Andrews is gone. Just check your sources and ask any authority on this site.

Yo he (estaba) rebuscado la titanica por mucho tiempo. Conozco los asuntos relatados, incluyendo a los muertos. Entiende Usted? Ojala que sea asi! I am a bit rusty on my Spanish, but I have been speaking/reading/writing for about eleven years, on and off. I am still picking it up as time permits.

Michael, was or was not Isador Strauss' body recovered?
95? I read on a site which specialized in the recovered through illustrating each entry numerically that he was #96. Hmmm

Thank you much. ;)

By the way, It is possible that Sam is somewhat hard to understand because he may not by fluent in English and is trying to work with it the best that he can. That's why I jumped in with Spanish. I didn't mean to be rude or confuse everyone else even more, hehe.