Shared Cabins Among 2nd & 3rd Class

I was so hoping it would be published in April. Still, I think it'll be well worth the wait. I don't think I'm too far off the mark in pointing out that this will be one of the most signifigent collaberative works to hit the bookshelves for Titanic historians in a very long time.

Believe me, I was looking forward to it coming out in April as well as I was going to go to Halifax for the "launch" of the book at the BTS convention. Now I don't get to go to Canada.

I was also going with Dan to Hailfax. All four of us (authors) were going to meet there for the launch.
Let me say about the book, my mind has reached overload reading through the manuscript.
There's 4 guys that have poured thousands of (individual) hours work into it, as well as over 35 years of combined research done between us all.
This is going to lift Titanic research to a new level.
What a shame, Daniel and Steve. I'm going to be in Halifax for the convention; it would have been a pleasure to meet you both.

But as Mike said, we've waited this long, so we can wait a little longer.
Steve, Daniel, Bruce and Scott...

I want to thank each of you in advance for putting so much effort into what promises to become the standard text on Titanic, the ship.

We're all looking forward to it with great anticipation--WHENEVER it debuts!

Thanks so much, guys!

>>I was also going with Dan to Hailfax. All four of us (authors) were going to meet there for the launch.<<

I suppose delays are to be expected. Publishing being what it is these days, there are a lot of books out there still waiting to get to the printers. What I find encouraging here is that the four of you have been doing your utmost to make sure you get it right, and you've been taking your time to do it rather then rush into things.

Just let me know when it finally hits the stands so I can order a copy.
Hi Leanne and Mario ! -

I have also seen some deck plans showing some steerage areas something in the order of troop ships....just open areas of berths/bunks separate cabins ? Or were these of ships of a much earlier time period ? Perhaps usage of "Third Class" over "Steerage" indicated an improvement over previous conditions ?
Robert, open steerage areas were in use at least as late as 1950. I can't reproduce it here, but the South Australian Maritime Museum has a photo of post-war migrants bound for Australia in steerage, just as in the 19th century. They are all male, clothing is hanging everywhere and it's generally a right mess. I guess if you were getting away from the wreckage of Europe anything would do. I think the practice died out pretty soon after 1950, at least in first world nations. Mind-boggling things are still seen in Africa and elsewhere.

Early plans for Titanic show a steerage, but the idea was scrapped and all passengers had cabins.

This sharing sleeping places with strangers would have been no novelty to many. In the late 1950s I travelled in shared sleepers on trains. For all I know, it may still happen.
I know that because of a strike that affected the coal used for the boilers, the coal used for some other ships was used for the Titanic instead. From what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), a lot of passengers who would have normally booked passage in first class on another ship, were placed in second class.