Skoog Family

Just one quick question-I'm not sure about this-were the Skoogs on deck, all the way up, at Titanic's final moments ? Because I know their relatives Jenny and Ellen were, or Jenny, at least, because her body was recovered. Is there any mention of them from survivors ?


It is very unlikely that the Skoog Family made it to the deck in time to board a lifeboat. Their eldest son, 11-year-old Karl, was on crutches and had a hard time getting up the slanting stairs, and his parents had their hands full with the other three children; Mabel, Harald, and Margit, ages 9, 5, and 2. I once saw a family portrait of the Skoogs taken just before Margit was born, and Karl's Accident.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I was just a writing a story about the family for my niece Luca, and that's why I've asked. But, I wrote it as they were trapped in the gangways and never survived. Oh I have that pic of the family, it's in Judith Geller's Women and Children First, on the very last page for the Titanic passengers. Where did you see their picture ? Because I have looked in almost EVERY Titanic documentary film, but never identified them. But,when I received the book two years ago, I nearly flipped out I was so happy I saw the family photo, and of the Anderssons...too bad then 7 years old Karl jumped for the train and then his leg and some toes had to be amputated...maybe this is one of the reasons they perished. They certainly spoke and understood English-because they lived in the US before for decades.
Very few cabin numbers are known for 3rd Class passengers, especially those who did not survive. The Skoogs would have been located in one of the aft sections of the ship along with other families in 3rd Class. They might have had a 6-berth cabin, but I think it more likely that they occupied a 4-berth, with the four children sharing 2 berths. That was expected where half-fare had been paid for children, and the total cost of the Skoog's ticket suggests that 4 berths had been paid for.

There were 4-berth cabins in the 3rd Class sections aft on E, F and G decks. These decks also had 6-berth cabins, as did D deck. I don't know of any survivor's account that mentions the Skoogs. Failing that, the actual location of their cabin will probably never be known.
Re: Anna Bernhardina Skoog
Hello!I am Debora Skoog...a family member of Wilhelm Skoog.I know that my Grandfather lost family on the Titanic and I am now trying to help the family here in Canada piece more information together.My Grandpa and Grandma Skoog have died and we have no way of getting more information as we have lost contact with the family in Sweden.We would love to hear from anyone that could reconnect us or even give us clarification on the relation to the family on the Titanic.My grandfathers name was Otto Skoog his sister in Sweden was Regina and brothers were Hugo and Oscar (who lived in Michigan we believe...then New york.)Any information would be much appreciated....D.Skoog
Hi everyone.
I left my Titanic: Women & Children First book at home (I'm at BYU) so I need a picture of the Skoog family. I have it my book. I've looked everywhere online, but couldn't find them. Can someone please post it possibly on this thread? Or e-mail it to me? I have the one where 3 of the Skoog children-Karl, Mabel, and Harald are on it with thier parents.
Thanks so much.
He died. Just kidding, well I think it was one frantic of a time for the Skoog family at the sinking. I think Karl had it really bad, the poor little boy. It makes me sick when I think of him dying being overlapped by water on crutches and then drowning. That goes for all of the little children, poor little ones. And we had these children falling, sliding, drowning, what kind of a hell they went through that night. I'm feeling extremely peaceful when I know that they are resting now and are peacful.
i think it's sick to think of how these people died on Titanic, Lusitania, Empress of Ireland and all the other shipwrecks, when they are stuck below deck, and the ship has already sunk.They all know they are about to die, and they have to watch their own deaths and the deaths of their loved ones as the water rises and overtakes them. That's horrible and it happens alot because it takes a while for the entire ship to be filled with water, and many people just have to watch the water pour in around their ankles and wait for death to greet them.
hi all. i was wondering if anyone had some information on the skoog family that was on the titanic? i was told at my mothers funeral that we are related to them somehow (before this, i didn't even know there were any on the titanic). and i would like to be able to prove this information and use it to help my brothers and i figure out our genealogy.

any information at all would help. if they had any brothers and sisters. cousins names. anything at all that would help us 3 kids to kinda find ourselves.

thanks all!!
The Skoog family consisted of:
Wilhelm Skoog, 40 born April 6th 1872; he was the son of Anders Johansson
Anna Bernhardina Skoog, 44, born Friday 13th November 1868
Karl Thorsten Skoog, 11, born Friday 13th July 1900

Harald Skoog, 5, — b Wednesday 22nd August 1906

Mabel Skoog, 9, — b Tuesday 22nd July 1902

Margit Elizabeth Skoog, 2, — b Thursday April 15th 1910

Wilhelm Skoog and his family, from Hallekis, Sweden, travelled to the upper Peninsula of Michigan in the late 1800s to work at the Pewabic copper Mine in Iron Mountain. Between 1900 and 1910 the family had four children; their future looked bright.

In 1907, seven-year old Karl was chosen to carry his father's dinner pail over hte hills from their home to the mine for his midday meal. Thorsten enjoyed this duty as his father often rewarded him with a left-over cookie or a bite of his mother's pastries, which he particularly loevd when she filled them with wild game. Karl was fascinated by trains and on his way to the mine he woudl stop by the railroad yard to see the engines; sometimes he could hitch a ride toward the mine. On the first saturday of November 1907 he leapt out to hitch a ride, but that instant the train jolted and somehow he was thrown tot he track while the train sped over his legs. The yard workers rushed him to the hospital, but his left leg and right foot had to be amputated.

In 1911, the Skoogs, yearning for their home country, sold their home and their furnishings and moved back to the old country. It was, however, a short lived visit, for four months later, friends in Iron Mountain recieved a letter reading,

"Dear Friends, we plan to return to America next month. We were fortunate to seek passage on the new and beautiful luxury liner Titanic...our spirits soar. How wonderful it will be to see you all again."

Travelling with them on the Titanic were two relatives (I don't know how they were connected) named Jenny Lovisa Henriksson, 28, and Ellen Pettersson, 18. The entire party was lost. Climbing to safety on a listing ship amid throngs of anxious, shoving passengers in their last-minute dash for safety would have been impossible for a family with a child on crutches. The only body found was that of Jenny Henriksson's.

What was left of the Skoog's estate, including their piano left in America, was liquidated and sent to Wilhelm's parents in Sweden, but they would never accept any compensation, claiming that the lives of their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren were worth far more than any money.

I am deeply sorry about your mother and hardly know how to respond; just know that my heart goes out to you and I will keep your family in my prayers.
Hello from Tucson--Iam just starting research on the Skoog family as I believe I have a large photo of Mabel and Margit Skoog. Don't ask how amazingly it ended up in Tucson,Arizona and my hands!! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.<<

It might help the resident passenger/crew research people who hang out here if you were to specify exactly what it is you need help or advice with. If it's confimation that the photo is what you believe, you might actually have better luck with whomever you recieved the photo from.