Some of my Titanic artwork

Hi all!

As you all know I have been making Titanic renderings for some time now. This project has now come to an end so I'm putting up some of my work here for you to see.
I want to thank you for all the help you have been providing me with and for inspiring me.

Christian Stenfelt

Full Speed Ahead!.jpg


Onto the ocean.jpg

titanicny copy1.jpg

Titanic WIP 2011Small.jpg


Droom30 copy.jpg

Desktop - Sinking Star.jpg

Titanic New York 1.jpg

Night WIP2.jpg

Christian, your renders are really, really good. In fact, the ones of the ship underway look more realistic than stills from the Cameron movie, which can be a little too "painterly," if you know what I mean. I'm especially impressed that you held the saturation down, avoiding that fake picture-postcard look of so many renders.

The pic of the First Class dining room's buffet is spectacular! What on Earth did you use as a reference? I don't recall ever having seen a photo of it, on Titanic OR Olympic.

Great work, and I hope you'll show us more.
I'd just like to start with, I'm gobsmacked - those are incredible! As I'm very new to this site I'm not familiar with your project. Are they actual paintings, or digital, or...well, however you did them, you are incredibly talented.
Thank you so much guys! I'm really glad you like the work I've done!

Sandy: As you say, there are almost no pictures of the buffet but I've found a few who show at least parts of the buffet. I've done the other buffet too, witch had the piano in it. I'll post some pics of it here.

Badbriar: Thanks! I model the ship and parts of her interior in a 3d program called 3ds max.


Hey! Just wanted to share my latest renderings of Titanic.
Now this project has come to it's end and theese are the last renderings I do.

Hope you like them and thanks for all the edvice you guys have given me!

Much regards,

sos titL.jpg

I Do Believe This Ship May SinkL.jpg

Hang On Miss LydiaL.jpg
Wow, those are really excellent renders... I especially like the New York one, complete with Statue of Liberty; I can only imagine the rapturous welcome folk there will give the ship, had she arrived there in one piece!