Maureen, the first one is simple black pen, while the others are using usually a 4B Pencil in order to produce good shading effects.
(The drawings on the 'Other Ships and Shipwrecks' under the thread 'My Liner Artwork' are completed using an everyday ballpoint pen.
These drawings were completed a while ago as I used to draw them regularly.
Recently I have not drawn too many and indeed last week I started to work on newer ones.
However, I seem to have lost my knack at it, so I will need to get back into practice again and post some more for you.
Your drawings are great! I love sketching in ballpoint too, when I have the time and inclination. I drew all the time when I was a kid and got banned from the library for drawing in the margins of all the books I borrowed. I even used to draw on the backs of all my grandmother's photos. I've lost the knack too but am hoping to get back into it soon. I did start a sketch pad of pencil portraits of the Titanic's passengers, so I think I may carry on with that. Sometimes we need a nudge from someone like yourself to get off our ass!


I''ve got drawing pads, sketch pads and even painting of Titanic and other liners in the loft.
I shall haul them down and see if i can scan the credible ones!
Thanks. My favorite medium to work with is pencil. One thing that you can try out is using varying lead softness to get a special affect. Or even using sepia pencils makes a nice affect.

Thanks for sharing.