Special Edition DVD

Hello Joshua,
I haven't located them either, due to not having tried yet, but as David DeMarco posted above on November 1, the ways to get to them are on the "Back to Titanic" site. I can't say if the instructions are accurate since I have not looked at them, but they probably are.

Good luck and enjoy the DVDs!
Veronika, an easter egg is the slang term that refers to any type of material that is on a DVD that is not advertised or mentioned on any of the packaging or menus, and to access it you have to navigate around on a menu, or sub menu screen and find the "hidden" link to highlight and click on to access this content, sometimes you can just push the direction buttons on your DVD remote and just stumble upon an item, hence the term easter egg. There are a number of websites that you can go to and find the places to look on a number of DVD titles to find these treats, Just google DVD Easter Eggs and you should be able to find a number of sites that you can go to, or if you are a curious type, grab your remote and your DVDs and explore!

What different 2005 promo items are there? I have seen a heartshaped silvercoloured box, a notebook and a pen so far? Does anybody know if there are more stuff?

[Moderator's note: This post was in a different subtopic, but has been moved here. JDT]
The comments on this thread, and others, about the content of the special edition DVD's make me wonder whether it destroys the image and some of the mystery of the original film?

Having seen the making of ANTR, whenever I watch that movie, I see Kenneth More struggling in Ruislip Lido instead of the North Atlantic and lifeboats being lowered in a Scottish loch.
Hi Kristjan. I got the 4 disc set for Christmas and I am still working my way through it. The first half of the movie is on disc one,with special commentaries and branching features the second half of the movie is on disc two also with special commentaries and branching features, and discs three and four are all special features.

[Moderator's Note: This message and the one immediately above it have been moved from a separate thread, begun today, into this pre-existing one dealing with the same subject. MAB]
Hi Jason, Happy New Year!

I agree. It is alot to absorb! I watched the "deleted scenes" first of course.

But the part I liked best was listening to Ken Marschall and Don Lynch during their review.
Hi David,

Thanks, Happy New Year to you as well. Once I got to the third disc, I went right for the deleted scenes. No doubt that Ken's and Don's review will be interesting to hear.
I also got the 3 disk set for christmas, I really enjoyed the special features on the 3rd disk, and like everyone else seemed to, I checked out the deleted scenes first as well lol
On a Swedish website there is yet another "2 discs special edition" for sale, only it says that it will not be available until march this year. I emailed the store and asked what kind of SE it was, and they told me that they did not have all the details yet, but that it IS INDEED ANOTHER special edition being released!!!!! Have any of you guys heard ANYTHING about that?? Or is this a sort of "Surprise" from 20:th Century Fox and Paramount??? *Confused and excited*