Story of the Wreck of the Titanic

Mr. Tennaro,

Don't tease me with talk of Johnny Cash!!!

So, you're going to keep this a mystery....I'll have to figure out some way to get you back for keeping me in suspense.

Maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself then!!! Where are you from? etc...etc.... Do you have a profile?

See ya - Bye!

Kara (TheMysteriousTeacherInWhite) Kloss
Michael (TheMysteriousManInBlack) Tennaro wrote:

>Kara, would you believe I am the illegitimate son >of Johnny Cash???
>no, huh. didn't think so! ;-)

Hi, Michael!

Hmmm. I'm wondering if you might possibly be the illegitimate son of Louis Armstrong. :)

All my best,

Hey there Kara, Maureen here. I would be interested in what your class comes up with. Maybe if you do it as a class project and each contributes a smaller part of their larger project, then Phil wouldn;t mind posting it under ET Research The Junior Edition...for school projects that may be interesting to other schools to read and learn from kids their own age. Just a thought. But it would have to be edited to a specific size and everything. But you may wish to check the process out with Phil the Editor and keeper of the keys to this machine.
Enjoy your day, glad to have helped.
Kara asked:

Maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself then!!! Where are you from? etc...etc.... Do you have a profile?

My profile is now available.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T