The Best Case Scenario

But you surely have to factor-in the context here.

Stone & Gibson weren't observing rockets on a warm, calm safe night in the middle of the Caribbean. Had they been, they would've understandably assumed they were company signals & barely raised an eyebrow.

Instead, these rockets were emanating from an area they knew was dangerous. In those circumstances, rockets of any kind would surely be at least some cause for concern.

Ask yourself how plausible this sounds:
"Look, a vessel on the edge of that dangerous icefield is firing rockets"
"No, those rockets don't conform to the official Rules Regarding Distress Rockets"
"Oh okay, no need to worry then. Fancy another cuppa?"

Sorry to sound flippant, but this all seems incredibly obvious to me (albeit I lack the requisite two-hundred years nautical experience to know what I'm talking about).
But you surely have to factor-in the context here.

Stone & Gibson weren't observing rockets on a warm, calm safe night in the middle of the Caribbean. Had they been, they would've understandably assumed they were company signals & barely raised an eyebrow.

Instead, these rockets were emanating from an area they knew was dangerous. In those circumstances, rockets of any kind would surely be at least some cause for concern.

Ask yourself how plausible this sounds:
"Look, a vessel on the edge of that dangerous icefield is firing rockets"
"No, those rockets don't conform to the official Rules Regarding Distress Rockets"
"Oh okay, no need to worry then. Fancy another cuppa?"

Sorry to sound flippant, but this all seems incredibly obvious to me (albeit I lack the requisite two-hundred years nautical experience to know what I'm talking about).

That is more or less what was done.
"Mmmm. That fella over there seems to have fired a rocket. Better tell the Old Man."
Blows down the voice tube. Captain answers. "Yes?".
"Sorry to bother you sir, but I've just seen a rocket fired in the direction of that vessel over there."
"What did it look like?"
"Just a rocket sir, it burst showing white stars."
"Did you hear anything?"
"No...and it didn't go very high..just as high as her mainmast light."
"Do you think it was a Company Signal."
"I don't know sir. I've never seen one like that."
"Well then, Mr., keep calling her up on the light and see if you can find out what's going on. As soon as you get anything from her, let me know, Send the lad down. I'll be right here if you need me."