The Breakup from the Inside Out

Jessie M.

So I don't know if they've got an account on here or not, but the Gentlemen who are currently working on Titanic: Honor and Glory have actually created quite a few tear jerking shorts (Some of which I know for a fact are spread around here).

One of their Shorts, titled Belfast Air , has got me thinking. Obviously whether or not Andrews was in the smoking room at the time of the breakup is debatable and the idea that anybody would've been able to stand perfectly straight at this point in the sinking even more so; but at about 5:50 we see a version of the breakup occur within the smoking room.

So I suppose my question is whether or not this was possible. I know that the breakup occurred between the 3rd and 4th funnel and that the smoking room Andrews was reported in was fairly high up in regards to the deck... So would it have been possible to see the breakup from within the Smoking room?
Was it? Well, that's my memory for you I guess. Still not quite sure where the Smoking Room was though. I think it might've been closer to the Bow perhaps? Not close enough to be underwater at that point but not really sure.
Could've been? There was more than just one smoking room as well that we have to factor in - though I think Andrews was more likely to have been in the First class smoking room.

But given the info we have, would it have been possible to see the breakup from this point of the ship like the short film? Part of me is saying no but I've been wrong before.