The Complete Titanic Walkthrough Project

Hi Kevin,

Welcome back! I've moved your post to here, instead of starting a new thread.

Sounds like you've seen and done a lot in the last several months. Good to hear you're enjoying your new position.

That concept looks terrific, how close is the project from being finished?

Best regards,


actually im not far along at all : )
Im going to have to start all over again with the new engine.

say, can you change the name of topic to "The Complete Titanic Walkthough Project"? It would seem more fitting , and I'lll be post alot with updates

You're welcome and that's great you've made progress on it. As you can see, I've changed the title of the thread.

Looking forward to more updates.
hey!!!Can't wait to see that I would love that thing..just one giant Titanic encyclopedia...IT...being the actual encyclopedia. Just one think I can't belive...did you do every room in 3d?..or just the ones you were able to find information on? is this 3d model just to look at the rooms? If it is one gigantic complete Titanic 3d model I WILL LOVE IT!
I'm Back!...... Again
Well I have actully restarted working on the project. I've had to relearn almost everything that I need to do to create this.

I have made alot of progres. Right now I am still in the building stages. As a "learning Room" I am rebulding good old B-59. I had to start from the ground up and rebuild everything.
I am learning as I build it, so I am waiting untill the room is finished before I post any shots. I want you guys to see the full capablities of this system.

Here are some highlights;
-Normal Mapping: This allows me to make complex textures like panneling very efficent. Instead of just a picture of the pannel, I use a B&W hight map to tell the engine where to cast the shadows. I put that together with a wood grain texture and the results are incredable. Basicly I can make just a flat wall look like it has conturs in it.

-High res models. I still learning this part but I have made the ceiling lamp and it looks very good.

-Physics. models like chairs and beds can be moved around the room at will, things can be stacked and fall (or slide or float).

Higher resolution and sharper textures. My new textures are 2x bigger than my old ones.

Other features.
-Refections on shiny objects.
-better shadows and lighting
-Incredable water effects.
-looks like I will be able to make info screens like my mock-up above
-Very like like charitor models.

I think I can made full live 3d models on par with most 3d renderings out there.

I can't wait until I'm ready to post something. I hope it have something next month or so.

thanks for all the interest and support

p.s. sorry for the spelling errors

Hello all.
Update time!
well it's been a long time. I was going to wait untill I finshed this whole room, but I thought it being April 14th and all, I'd go ahead and post some work in progress shots.
I Just got a Dell Laptop, so I can get started working on all this more offen. It is more powerfull than my home computer and has a Directx 9.0 compatable video card, which is required to turn on all the extra video effects.

I little info in the pics.
-I have used several built in textures as place-holders untill I create mine (floor, celling wallpaper, counter top) all the paneling is made from scratch.

-I haven't made any funiture etc. Im still learning how to make and texture models. (notice the light fixture in the middle of the room)

-I added the tilt and water to make things look interesting and show what the engine can do, Its not accurate I know : )

-other missing details are no door handles, missing the figure at the top of the doorjams, no mirrors just foged over refections (I think thats the best it's going to get), unfinished windows.
like I said this a work in progress. There is alot more for me to learn.

-This is all I have done really, It's a slow prossess. but once I learn all the stuff and have textures and models made, things should pick up.

Hope you enjoy them, I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Kevin you speak of a sinking map of the titanic is it going to be titanic at a specific time or will she sink in real time to how she is belived to have sunk?

Also in the future are you going to turn it over to half-life II and into a single/multiplayer map or a mission one where you have to take over the ship to avoid a collision or something.
Amazing project Kevin! You are doing a wonderful thing which I'm sure that all true Titanic fans will greatly appreciate. I have read your narratives so far, and I congratulate you for all your hard work and dedication to this venture. Just keep at it, no matter how long it takes, as long as you are still enjoying the process. Great contribution and tribute to the majesty of Titanic! Also, kudos on changing your life by a new move and a new job and sharing it with the woman you love. That's the true difference between really living, as opposed to merely existing. So many people lack the courage to take that leap of faith and change their lives for the better. Best of luck to you both!
Kevin, that is IMPRESSIVE WORK! I have a few questions about this project, though... Is this going to be kind of a computer game that you can buy later on, or is it going to be a webpage? And will it be possible to "walk around" during the sinking like in tour new pictures, or was that just for showing us how talented you are in your modelling?:p

Looking forward to your next post
to answer some questions,

This is the game I am using as a base for the project:

For now I am sure you would need to purchase it first then everything I am doing would be a free download. What I am making is called a "Mod". I the was a mod that I was watching for half-life2 that, recently decided that they where going to make it a stand-alone game and it would be available for $19.99 and the full game was not required but it still used the same engine. I don't know what doing something like that would require, or if I would have to have a publisher. I'll think that would be a good road to go down when the time comes. I'll do some more research on it, because I am not in this to make any money, but saving you people 20 bucks would be nice. The only other thing you would need is a graphics card that is Directx 9.0 compatible (for my textures to show up right) most newer computer (less that 1 year) have them, if not you can pick one up for $99-$150.

Also halflife2 is available for the X-box... I don't know if you can run mods on that, but that would be a cheap alternative too.

As for a "live": sinking, meaning walking around wile it is sinking in real time... I don't know yet, the game engine is really finicky about certain things. Mirrors for example, what you see in the shots may be as good as it gets. the engine just doesn't support that kind of thing. Slowly lowering and tilting the map may cause problems. For starters I am going to make progress on the ship itself. Once I have that all done I'll start looking it what more I can do with it. I sure would like to have a live sinking with computer people and everything, it would be cool.

I added water to the shots to make them more interesting, and to show what the graphics engine can do. I'll be adding water to lots of my previews, and when I am done, there will be something with water even if it can only be a staic tilt and water level.

as for multiplayer and averting disaster... I don't plan on that, tho multiplayer where you explore with a friend would be cool.

Stay tuned for more updates
Kevin, I must say your work is truly amazing! Do you have a website with the pictures or do you just post them here?

Please, continue with your project! I admire you and your talent from tho bottom of my heart and I would just LOVE to see more of it!!!