The fires in Titanics Coal Bunkers

Wish Doug would write back cos' this conspiracy was getting HOT!
If they were meant to skim an iceberg, then they would have to had specific signals from other ships to find one juicy enough, so can we pull Cunard and Leyland lines into the conspiracy as well (ha)
Last I heard ALL Cunard ships had been told to send false ice warnings to TITANIC in order to steer them into the 'berg. Apparantly they didnt feel they could compete with White Star so they decided to methodically sink all of their ships. (Does that work Mr. Stanger? Hope so!!)

It really is too much fun sitting here at the computer and comming up with these wild and crazy stories. Maybe I should do this for a living! Cheers!
Ryan, give Oliver Stone a call. He may be hiring.
Hello Marion,

Welcome aboard. Have you bothered to read the above posts for your answer? The ship that is at the bottom of the ocean is the Titanic and there is evidence to back this up. Titanic's shipyard number was "401" and RMS Titanic Inc, on one of their expeditions several years ago, discovered that number on her propeller, which confirms it is Titanic and not Olympic. Also, RMSTI on another expedition I believe, discovered the few first letters on the bow beginning with "T", which indicated it is definitely Titanic.

Both ships may have looked the same on the outside, but in reality they were different in a lot of ways. For both of them to look identical, it would have required a lot of hard labour and all the shipyard workers to keep quiet about such a conspiracy; it's impossible. If this did happen which it didn't, it would have been known about long before now in the Titanic community.

For an excellent book on this subject, I recommend Titanic and Olympic, The Truth Behind the Conspiracy, by Steve Hall & Bruce Beveridge.

Sorry, but this theory doesn't wash.
You don't need to dive to the bottom of the Atlantic for proof.

Just have a look at the many pieces of woodwork removed from Olympic when she was scrapped. They are all marked (on the back) with her number, 400.
>>How do you explain that the Titanic was not sunk but the Olympic is lying at the bottom of the ocean<<

Why would we want to explain something that never happened? The whole proposition for the reasons already explained is patently ridiculous, and the whole insurance fraud angle is one of the most glaring of the fatal flaws.

While externally similar, the Olympic and Titanic were sufficiently different that making one look like another would involve a refit that would take several months and would be bloody expen$ive to boot. Anybody who thinks that the 14,000 people in the shipyard would have kept quiet about that doesn't know what an outstandingly lousy place shipyards are for keeping secrets. Word gets around mighty fast in these places.

Further the Titanic had only $5,000,000 of her $7,500,000 value covered by outside insurance companies with the remaining $2,500,000 covered by their own in house insurance fund. This at a time when $2,500,000 was not chump change.

Why would White Star perpetrate a fraud against itself?

Contrary to what Robin Gardiner would have one believe, the damage to the Olympic just wasn't that grave. Far from being tied up for months, she was out of the yards in just a few weeks.
Captain Smith was wanting to get New York safely and Bruce Ismay was wanting the headlines that Titantic was the ship of dreams. But Captain Smith said he would get his headlines after all.

Don't fall into the trap of treating the movie 'Titanic' as the definitive story of the sinking.

It is mostly fiction - a story woven for the benefit of movie audiences, based on a real incident.
this site is quite big. So it takes some time. Please wander all over it and then ask your questions. Many of your queries may have been answered, but you might well have a few more to confound our resident experts - but only if you've got the basics regarding the sinking. Good luck and happy searching.
>>Captain Smith was wanting to get New York safely...<<

As does any captain.

>> and Bruce Ismay was wanting the headlines...<<

Well...that wouldn't be completely unexpected...and?

>> that Titantic was the ship of dreams.<<

Sez who? Titanic was the second sister in a planned class of three ships and recieved the usual notice, which was to say, not that much. If you're going by the movie, then I'd have to offer the same caution that Ernie did. It's ahighly fictionalized account and had little if anything to do with what happened in the real world. Movies seldom ever do.

Try parsing the inquiry transcripts first. They can be viewed on line at