The Fortune Family Descendants

Slight correction. The Weekes Reunion is in July.
Re: e-mail, send away! Love to get mail.
Your reference position in lat and long appears to be 5 miles upstream of Niagara Falls. What's there?
Hi Robert,

Oh, okay; thanks for that info on the reunion.

My lat and long position is referred to my neck of the woods, which is Toronto.
Hello Robert,
Always exciting when a descendent gets in touch!

Hello Jason,
I really know very little of their lives, beyond what is on ET, but I think Mabel might just have led the most interesting. That is, if most interesting = least traditional.

Ethel is naturally mentioned in a bio on her son ("Arrow through the Heart"; I forget the author), but only in passing.

Robert, can I ask what Chester was like when your grandmother lived their? Was it very rural or more of a resort community?

Hi Brian,


but I think Mabel might just have led the most interesting. That is, if most interesting = least traditional.

Yes, that is true; she did.


Ethel is naturally mentioned in a bio on her son ("Arrow through the Heart"; I forget the author), but only in passing.

I've never heard of it, but I googled it and found a website where you can order a copy. The author's name is Creig Stewart. By chance, have you read the book?​
I own a copy and sort of skimmed through it several years ago. I really can't say if I'd recommend it or not. If aviation and the life of Crawford Gordon the Son interests you, then I'd go for it. But not if you're hoping for a lot of illumination into the life of Ethel and Crawford Gordon the Father.

It portrays them as rather distant, aloof and exacting parents. But since they were not a major focus of the book, I don't know how much research went into them and have no idea if the characterizations are accurate.

Are you familiar with the movie in which Dan Akroyd portrays Crawford Gordon? I caught it on TV at about 1 AM a few months ago. I watched it for a while, out of curiosity to see if it mentioned his mother. What I saw didn't mention her, and I was too tired to keep watching.

Re: Your question about the nature of Chester, NS. It was a village of about 1000 persons, blessed with two excellent harbours and at the head of Mahone Bay, which has many islands sprinkled over its 100 odd square miles. A yachtsman's paradise. It was very resort-oriented. In my grandmother's time (1930s, 40s and 50s) it was mainly wealthy Americans who came for the entire summer. They maintained summer homes, complete with boats, cars and local caretakers. It still retains a bit of that nature today, but the source of the summer population is more broadly based than it was then.

PS. I saw the movie about the Arrow, with Dan Aykroyd, and I do not recall any reference to Crawford Gordon's parents whatever.

Bob R
Hi Brian,


If aviation and the life of Crawford Gordon the Son interests you, then I'd go for it.

It does. I've had an interest in the Avro Arrow and aviation in general for several years now. Thanks for the review, I'll make sure to purchase a copy.


Are you familiar with the movie in which Dan Akroyd portrays Crawford Gordon?

Yes, I am; I own it on video. I quite enjoyed the movie and thought that Dan Aykroyd did quite a good job portraying Crawford Gordon, including that he bore a striking resemblance to the real man himself. I don't recall any mention of Ethel and Crawford Gordon, Sr. in the movie either, but I'd have to view it again to make sure.​
Thanks, Robert, for the description of Chester. Sounds like a great place - if you can tolerate Americans;) (I'm American)

I was hesitant to mention that the Stewart book places Ethel in a less-then-flattering light, with her grand-nephew on the board. Not, of course, that I think you should be bothered - who knows where the info came from, and it didn't say anything so terrible. Many wonderful people make stern parents, even if what the author said is true.

Jason - I trust the book will come cheap. I would imagine it will satisfy your interests, since (unlike Gordon's family background and upbringing) there must be a wealth of info on the Arrow and aviation history of the time for Stewart to have culled from.

My interest's always run more to cars than planes.

Actually, Robert, I don't suppose you know much about the Fortune family's automobiles? Strange question, I know, but I started a thread a few years ago on this board about women drivers among the Titanic's passengers. It was before I realized the extent to which cars were marketed to women from their earliest invention, especially electric cars (before your time, I know). I assume your grandmother drove, since she lived in a rural area?

I bet Charles had taken up driving before his death, though that I doubt you would know. Charles Fortune's always stood out to me, among all those deaths. Probably because I was about the same age when I first read about him that he was when he died. And because his life was extinguished when he was on the brink of a really exciting part of it.
Hi Brian,

Yes, the book is priced at $15.00 CAD., which is reasonable. Cars interest me as well; in fact I take an interest in all forms of transportation, whether it be planes, trains, ships (of course) or automobiles. No, I'm not referring to the movie of a similar name starring Steve Martin and John Candy.
Brian. Can't help you with family cars. All I can tell you is my grandparents (Alice and Charles) drove a 1941 Mercury Coupe for many years in Chester - in which I learned to drive.

Fun to think what could have become of those who were lost, like Charles, at the dawn of adulthood.
I have been reading messages on this site for a long time, and finally became a member because I just about jumped out of my shoes when I saw there are descendants of the Fortune family keenly interested in Titanic.

I grew up in Winnipeg and my interest in Titanic started with learning the story of the Fortune house on Wellington Crescent. It was the starting point of many years of research that is now taking shape as a historical fiction novel that involves two families in Winnipeg and their connection to Titanic. Both lead families are fictional, but one has a significant relationship with the Fortune family.

I am very interested in learning more about Charles Fortune. Please know that I am very concerned that all of my true characters are treated with respect.

Best regards,
Sandi wrote:
"Please know that I am very concerned that all of my true characters are treated with respect."

I'm glad to hear it. I once came across a god-awful short story on the web that had Mrs. Fortune committing suicide by sneaking out of the lifeboat before it was lowered and returning to her cabin because she was unhappy in her marriage.
I've often wondered that myself, Marilyn. One of the descendants who lives here in the city, might be able to answer that. Actually, it's funny that you ask, as I'm in the process of contacting them very soon on a different issue.