The Irish Aboard Titanic Pictures

Hello! I've heard of the book The Irish Aboard Titanic, which was written by one of the people on this website, and since I collect pictures of children on the Titanic, I was wondering if the book has any pictures of:

Helen Corr
Hanora O'Leary
Julia Smyth
Annie McGowan

If it does, I'll definitely buy it!

Get it anyway. I bought a copy years ago and it's a very well researched piece of work. Senan not only tracked a lot of these people down, he even included some of the ghost stories that were circulating at the time.
I have to say, Alzbeta, that it would seem odd to me to see these young adults included in a list of children on the Titanic. I can tell you that today my late teen students would be incensed if I referred to them as children, and back in 1912 young people were proud to consider themselves to be men and women when they reached the age of 16. Consider the case of Alfie Rush, who'd celebrated his birthday on the very day that the Titanic struck the iceberg. Here's how survivor Frankie Goldsmith (9 at the time) later remembered this proud young man:

"And so then Mother and I were permitted through this gateway and Mother looked round quickly for Alfred, and he was standing back there where Dad and Mr Theobald were and the officer had his hand on his arm trying to jerk him through the gateway. And what did young Alfie say? "No, I'm staying here with the men". And that's the way it was in those days, fellows, when you became sixteen you didn't want to be classed as a kid".
IT HAS PICTURES OF ALL OF THEM! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I'm definitely going to get it, then! Thank you so much! And to Bob Godfrey, in my book anyone under the age of 18 is a child. But if you think differently that's fine too. Thank you SOOO MUCH!
I just read somewhere that writing in capital letters on a message board is rude, considered shouting. I am sorry for posting in capital letters on my previous thread. I am sorry if I offended anyone by saying Corr, McGowan, Smyth and O'Leary were children. I am very thankful to you for responding to me and I will certainly get the book.
I think in this case your capitals were not so much the equivalent of shouting as of jumping up and down, so I'm sure they didn't cause offence!
I just ordered it and I'm waiting in excitement for it to come! I was wondering, does it have a picture of John Collins, the assistant cook, in it? Wasn't he Irish? I thought he came from Belfast. I can't wait to get the book!

P.S. My Titanic poems are eagerly awaiting reviews in the Poetry section
Senan's book includes only the crew from what became the Republic of Ireland. Crew members from Northern Ireland are covered in the book Titanic: Belfast's Own by Stephen Cameron. And in answer to the question now on your mind - yes, it does! Not a very clear pic, but there he is in his best suit managing a rather faint smile.
Do you mean that the book Titanic: Belfast's Own has a picture of John Collins, or that Irish Aboard Titanic does? You got me really excited but then I re-read the post and realized it wasn't very clear. I really hope that IAT does have a picture of John Collins, because that's what I thought you said, and if it doesn't, I'll be really dissappointed.
I'm not offending you in any way, and I know you didn't mean any harm.

P.S. Has no one managed to pick up my hints that I'd sincerely like someone to read my Titanic poems? No one seems to like them so I guess that's why nobody reviewd.
For pics of the Oirish you can't beat Molony,
Who claims to have lots and that's not just baloney.
But among all those faces from Cork to Kilkenny,
Of wee Mr Collins he doesn't have any.

But never mind, Alzbeta - worse things happen at sea, as they say. And if you get Cameron's book you'll have the pic you want and also some other hard-to-find faces like the young apprentices from Harland & Wolff who died in the sinking.

As you can see above, I'm not qualified to offer a critical review of your poetry!

Ohhhh. I was really hoping to find a picture of him and you really got my hopes up (mainly my fault, as I didn't read the message correctly) that I was actually going to find a picture of John Collins. There's nothing as deppressing as thinking, for a whole, glorious day, that you were going to see the photo of a Titanic survivor you'd researched for years, even made a web page about, just to have your hopes dashed against stone. (again, none of your fault)

It would be a waste of money just to buy a book for one picture (or so my mom thinks), as I don't particularly care about the crew of the Titanic, so I guess I'll never see a picture of Mr. Collins.

And by the way, I think you're confused about my poetry. I'm not an expert poet. These poems are not going to be published. I'm just a kid who wrote up a bunch of poems for fun and wanted to see what everyone else thought of them! You don't have to be 'qualified' for anything.
The book is out of print and hard to buy anyway, so go to your school or community library and ask if they can get it (or scans of relevant pages) through the inter-library loan service, for which there might be a small charge. It has several pages about Collins, the photo and a scan of his discharge certificate, which bears his signature and shows his pay for the 6 days of the voyage as just 14 shillings.

The representatives of Harland & Wolff who were on board, including several apprentices, travelled as passengers, not crew. But none were under the age of 18.
It's too bad that the book doesn't have any pictures of Collins, but I've gotten over it. I can't wait for it to come but so far it hasn't. I'm not willing to ask my library or school library because it's not that big of a deal and I'm too shy. How much was 14 shillings in moden-day American money? Because it doesn't seem like very much to pay someone for nearly a week of work.

Does anyone know if the book has any photos of Mary Katherine Gilnagh, Kate Hargadon, or Mary Delia Burns?

I just want to say that I'm so glad I'm part of Encyclopedia Titanica and it makes me feel really welcome and included because it's such a friendly online community and it's not your fault that the book doesn't have John Collins and without you guys I wouldn't even have a third of the pictures I have now (I'm making a scrapbook of pictures of Titanic children.)

P.S. This is really, really off-topic, but does anyone know if there are any photos of Misses Robertha Watt and Madeleine Mellinger in existence (c. 1912?)