The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Hello Joshua,

The copy of the Rubaiyat that was in the Titanic's hold had been sold for $2,025 at an auction in London and was being shipped to New York book dealer Gabriel Wells. The book remains lost to this day, although there have been several attempts to find it.


The jewelled peacock cover of the lost "Rubiayat of Omar Khayyam" is not the only ironic connection to the story of Titanic.

I just came across verse 16:

The Worldly Hope Men Set Their Hearts Upon
Turns ashes - or it prospers, and anon,
Like Snow upon the Desert's Dusty Face,
Lighting a little hour or two - is gone.

And in verse 33:

Earth could not answer, nor the Seas that mourn
In flowing purple of their Lord forlorn,
Nor rolling heaven, with all his signs revealed,
And hidden by the sleeve of Night and Morn.
Hello Justin,

Oh yes, the book was very real. It was one of the more elaborate pieces listed on the Titanic's cargo manifest. I own the same game you mentioned above, and I just don't see the Rubaiyat being snatched out of the ship's hold as shown in TAOOT.


I found a small copy of the book with the copyright date of 1911 in an antique shop. What luck! LoL I hate to admit it, but I thought it was only a part of the game as well. Foolish, foolish girl I was (am?) I'll try to upload a pic, but no promises

The game is great though isn't it. I just love it, its so compelling. I wish that other companies consider creating a titanic game even better than this. That would be awsome. Have like a free tour, go into every room, that would be the best. I really would like the people who made hitman codename 47 to do it cause they seem to have levels that have games where you are able to go into every room. its pretty kool.

I would also like to see a game created that details every location on the ship, but I just don't see it happening any time soon. The reason TAOOT had so many unaccessible areas was due to the game's budget. But I will agree with you, the game is very enjoyable just as it is. But, having beat it about six times, I haven't really played in awhile.


What an amazing find! And, despite its age, it appears to be in mint condition.


Thanks Brandon...

It is, indeed, in very good shape..the pages are a bit yellowed of course and what my Husband & I found strange was the center two pages are shorter on the bottom than the rest of the book. I guess I should have used something to indicate scale but it's only palm size. Being there was more than the first and second editions, I wonder if it wasn't part of a set. This one contains the first and second editions as well as the life of Omar Khayyam. You have no idea (lol ..or maybe you do!) the goosebumps I had when I looked down and saw it. I was like the cat with the canary! I snatched it up so fast. The look on my face and the way I held it so close to me, surely they must have thought I was going to pilfer it! I think I paid $9 for it.

Hi Kyrila,

I consider it a jewel in it's own right, but don't think I haven't thought about it! *searches through her old jewelry box looking for loose stones* :eek:)

Iram indeed is gone with all its rose,
And Jamshyd's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one knows;
But still the Vine her ancient ruby yields,
And still a Garden by the Water blows.
I found this in A Life of Omar Khayyam...

"1 Some of Omar's Rubaiyat warns us of the danger of Greatness, the instability of fortune, and while advocating Charity to all men, recommending us to be too intimate with none."
