The worst named liners

Some of the people behind these names are nuts. Who would name a ship the Emeu? The Nemesis was an ocean liner. That doesn't sound like good business to me. Marco Polo is a bad name for a ship. I forget what line operated it. Maasdam is a horrible name. Anything that has two swear words in it has got to be bad. The Dutch always have names that tie your tongue in a knot. Try this one: Pieter Cornelizoon Hooft. Gigantic sounds stupid. Urania: any name that has a hint of the word 'Urine' in it is a bad idea. Check this out. It's a site of private boat names. One name on the list is the 'Big Dick'. 'Basshole' is another. It's a hoot.

Hey Guys.. add these names to your list. I know these are not ships but they are actual boats that I seen at local marinas:

Double Trouble (Buttafucco's boat IE Amy Fisher???)

Bushwacker (as Ripley would say: Believe it or not)

And saving the best for last:



Now get a load of this the Pooka guy above didn't stop at one boat! He had a whole darn fleet of em(not all at one time). At last check he made it up to Pooka VI.

Kid you not folks this is real.

"Urania: any name that has a hint of the word 'Urine' in it is a bad idea."

Which reminds me of the office wallah who asked a Liverpool docker if he could direct him to the urinal. Came the response:

"If you can tell me where she's loading for I might be able to help you".

I found a ship named "Jesus" on Google. I thought that was sacreligious. Also, the Turkish navy had a ship a long time ago named "Tegettoff". Say it out loud and you'll see why it's a bad name. Maasdam's first name was "Maas" a river in the Netherlands. They went from bad to worse. "Gorredijk": Uhhh, it was gory too! :D. It gets worse. Holland America had a Maasdijk! Kamperdyk, Bilderdyk...the list goes on and on and on. The Dutch slay me.
If the 'worst name' department were applied to small pleasure craft, it would fill pages- I work on Boston Harbor, and cringe when i see a boat with a phrase as a name. Boats that i have seen that had names such as 'If it ain't one thing, it's another", "Hole In One", 'Gone fishing', 'Three Day Weekend' and 'The Other woman' should be scuttled on the spot...
I always hated the name Cedric, my grandparents had a dog named Cedric! Not a very regal name for a ship sounds more like a grumpy old man. S.S Romantic would have been nice for a White Star ship. S.S Bubonic anyone?

[Moderator's Note: This message has been edited to remove potentially offensive language, and a subsequent message has been removed for the same reason. MAB]
Possible White Star Line names:

RMS Erotic

RMS Orgasmic

RMS Sizemic

RMS Frolic

RMS Phallic

RMS Supercalifragilistic

Although in keeping with WSL tradition, these names (and more) are best avoided. AND White Star, in their omnipotence, knew this.