Time and Again

This is the only site that I can find, where you can purchase it

I did not realize that the book was so hard to find. I am fortunate to own a copy that I bought new a few years ago. It is an excellent piece of work, certainly worth searching for and buying.

Over the years I have found that good (and even some not-so-good) Titanic related books that are OOP on 'mainstream' sellers like Amazon or Ebay are often still available with specialist nautical booksellers. Some of those shops are (thankfully!) old-fashioned in their approach and have limited information about their products on the web, but calling them on the phone often is very helpful. Even if they don't have a particular book in stock, they often suggest alternative sellers.

In the UK there are a few such shops in Southampton, Bournemouth etc. In Canada, Halifax is a strong possibility. I have bought several books from Schooner Books there and found them very helpful.