Titanic 2

Michael, you're Navy - take it like a man! :-)

Parks, ARRRGGGHHH! I'm building two Icebergs in case the first one misses.

Timothy - Yes, that's a UK/US thing. Too far off-topic to develop the discussion here, but email me if you're into old motors. I thought it might be a useful distinction to think of a Titanic II in those terms, though - could help turn the heat down a little!

I was just in Las Vegas for the CES show and thought of that exact same thing. Viva Las Titanic! These new Hotels like the Bellagio and Venitian cost over 1.4 Billion dollars to build. Yes, Billions! As I looked around in awe, I thought this is it! This is how they could build another Titanic! Dredge a false harbor with a Hotel and Casino "docked" that is the Titanic in all her glory. With Steve Wynns deep pockets and James Camerons studio experts, why not? Make all the rooms first class staterooms with private baths, air condition the whole place and turn the cargo holds and boiler rooms into the casino areas. I like the idea of rockets being launched at regular intervals at night. Just like the water fountain show at the Bellagio.

How I hope it never comes to pass.

What a wonderful idea: to build a gaudy reproduction that dishonours the memory of one of the greatest peacetime tragedies of the 20th Century. Along with socket signals timed to be launched every 5 minutes, the builders could also arrange the structure so that it appeared to be "sinking" by the bow. Why not add a collection of lifeboats while they're at it - placed strategically around the structure and crewed by mannequins in evening dress - to add that extra element of authenticity?

I'm sure it would be terribly popular. I, for one, would not wish to visit. But then this is solely my opinion and, as Michael S. is wont to say: "Your results may vary."
Bob, your automobile comparison is appropriate I think. Technology has changed so much that every facet of cars and ships has changed, they barely look like their predecessors. A real Titanic II ship will probably never come to pass. Not as an ocean going vessel at least. That's why the Las Vegas version could work, if there is any hope at all of a Titanic II. It doesn't have to be tacky. I agree that Stupak's idea is dreadful...time share smoke stacks??? EEEEWWWW
Dave mentioned Bellagio, a casino with a world class art gallery. If it was done right it wouldn't be any worse than a book or movie about Titanic, after all they are meant to make money too.
If it was done with taste and respect I think people would go to see Titanic II. Instead of imagining the worst it could be (easy enough to do when regarding Las Vegas) what would make it legitimate? Or is any Titanic II an abomination?
Timothy, I think the idea of extra steerage accommodation in the smokestacks would have appealed to Ismay if he'd thought of it first! Seriously, I agree that a Vegas Titanic doesn't have to be a monstrosity like Stupak's conception. Let's hope he has a rethink and gives the job to Cameron's set designers rather than Walt Disney on mescalin.

Off topic, I think the US equivalent of a 'reproduction' car would be a 'replicar', like the Stutz Speedster made by Southeastern Replicars or the Intermeccanica Speedster. I'd accept the 'continuation' Cobra as a true replica. Just checked out your website - that's a helluva car, my friend.
This is a quesion 4 u Michael...I just realized I didn't know the answer...How old r u? U don't have to tell me. I was just wondering. lol. Wut else is new? L8r! Leah Astor
Amazing someone hasn't thought of that yet (or at least put it to action) I agree its a good idea. Did you know that the lady who decorated the Titanic rooms for the movie, actully did a similar design for one of the very famous Las Vegas hotels? Shame they didn't start right then! lol. -Leah Astor
Leah, you can discover the awful truth about our ages by looking at our user profiles (click on the names to the left of the postings). Not everybody includes their age - this generally means they are very old indeed. If they include their age but not a picture it generally means they have knocked off at least 20 years.
Well, there's always the possibility of us starting a letter campaign and starting a grass roots movement to put a stop to Stupak's Stupid Idea. See, Leah? You can tell without checking my profile that I was a child of the 60's. :-)

Just one problem with a Titanic casino in Vegas. The residents in Clark County are completely apalled with the idea of building such a tourist attraction, complete with iceberg, in the middle of the desert and try to get it to fly as a glimpse of the past. Many of those I talked to about this, when it was proposed (and shown in Parks post above) made it very clear that if he did this, they would not spend another dime in his casinos. A smear camaign consisting of "word of mouth" would really hurt, especially in off season and after all the fans had their dream scene fulfilled... whatever one that may be...
Who me Leah? Well, my body turned 43 just last December. My knees turned 86 aspiring to be 172! That's what I get for matching my humble bones against the steel decks and ladders of warships over 20 years. The steel won out!
To build a Las Vegas casino to look like the 20th Century's worst shipping disaster which is the Titanic in which 1500 people died, In my honest opinion is in very poor taste and I would never want to go to this casino. What's next? Oh I know the Lusitania Casino in Atlantic City. If that were to happen it would be just another example of bad taste. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
Whoa! Hold the petitions. Look, the Queen Mary is an attraction and Hotel, a sucessful tourist spot. However, with the billion dollar plus cost of building such a similar Hotel attraction as the Titanic (or Olympic if that matters) is going to be hard to raise. (no pun intended) The only people who could pull it off are the visionaries of Las Vegas who have very deep pockets. The Queen Mary was already built. I'm sure it would never have made a dime if built just for a hotel in long beach. Alot of people go to Vegas to see these attractions without dropping a coin in any casinos. I didn't hear any New Yorkers complaining with the New York, New york hotel casino was opened. In fact, many said it was cleaner and safer than the real New York! The same could be said about the Hotel titanic. Better toilet facilities, air conditioning and no chance of hitting an iceberg in 100 plus degree heat! LOL.

For those of us not fortunate enough to have been able to work on Camerons movie set, this would be our only chance to see and touch the Olympic class ships in reality.