Titanic: A Legal Perspective

I'm sure the moderators will move this post if it's not in the right place.

After three years of research and 1.5 years of writing and rewriting, my newest book, "Titanic: A Legal Perspective" is now available. It's live on Amazon as an e-book for $5.95; paperback is $16.95; and hardback is $21.95. The hardback is currently in review and should be live in about a week. I'm trying to see if Amazon will allow an audio version of the book to be uploaded.
Excellent. I'll look to order it soon after returning to the UK in 4 weeks time. No e-Books and such for me; I'd like something that I can get my hands around.
Congratulations on the publication of your book, Gordon. I have also added it to my list and hope to purchase it soon.

There is currently a discussion on Facebook in the Encyclopedia Titanica Group, regarding what would have happened if Captain Smith survived. Since your book pertains to the discussion, I've provided the amazon.com link to your book for anyone else who is interested in purchasing it.
Congratulations on the publication of your book, Gordon. I have also added it to my list and hope to purchase it soon.

There is currently a discussion on Facebook in the Encyclopedia Titanica Group, regarding what would have happened if Captain Smith survived. Since your book pertains to the discussion, I've provided the amazon.com link to your book for anyone else who is interested in purchasing it.
Thank you, Jason. Actually, that was the original premise of the book. I soon realized that I did not know enough about British Admiralty Law to write about it effectively, so I took a different tack, but the legal perspective still came through.
Thank you, Jason. Actually, that was the original premise of the book. I soon realized that I did not know enough about British Admiralty Law to write about it effectively, so I took a different tack, but the legal perspective still came through.
You're welcome Gordon, my pleasure. I'm very glad that you have written this book; it has been sorely needed in the Titanic community for a long time now, as it offers a fresh perspective and from a different angle that hasn't gotten any real attention. I look forward to purchasing a copy.
Interestingly, another member - Ian Donaldson - has just published a book seemingly on similar lines but I might be mistaken. It's called Titanic: The Truth On Trial and there's a thread about it now.

I am going to get both books next month, preferably as hardcover.
Interestingly, another member - Ian Donaldson - has just published a book seemingly on similar lines but I might be mistaken. It's called Titanic: The Truth On Trial and there's a thread about it now.
Yes I saw that earlier. Ian's book solely focuses on the British Inquiry and why it was such a whitewash. It looks interesting as well; I've added it to my list.