Titanic Adventure out of Time actors in real life

Hi there,

On an afternoon of idle browsing, I came across this video game's page on the imdb.

I had a look through the individual pages for the actors and most of them had only appeared in the game and no other movies. Some had appeared in low budget films and stage productons. I came across this page which features a picture of the actress who played Lady Georgia.


It's a bit weird seeing someone who had been computerised for the game in real life!

LoL I loved the lift attendant...Eric Whited. Everytime I sit down to the game (I have yet to finish it...I got frusterated and went looking for cheats...my Husband gave me a hard time about doing so, then I felt bad about doing so and haven't been back yet)I find myself qouting him the rest of the week! LoL When I do try again...will do so without the cheats. Has anyone changed history yet?
I'm going to go and check out those sites! I didn't realize those were "real" people in the game!

Stephanie--yes...have changed history here!
I very much enjoyed the game and had played it a few times with different things happening in the end.
Am totally frustrated with this game lol can't get anywhere on it when it comes to getting the book or busting into that safe! Most frustrating thing is the irish accents though!
thank you Stephanie!!! (No offense guys!!! Just teasin a bit here! )

Jemma---I could maybe give you some little hints if you like. Just give me the word