Titanic Adventure Out of Time

>>Does anyone else here really want to see them make a new version of this game with modern graphics and gameplay?<<

For those who enjoy this sort of thing, I think it would be a good thing. (I'm not much into games myself, but that's just me.) Adventure Out Of Time is an old game by today's standards and there are problems running it on the latest operating systems because of compatability issues. Eventually, it'll become impossible to run on the latest systems.

A new and up to date game would go a long way towards resolving those issues.
The problem is that the market isn't there any more. Just a few years back anything with the name 'Titanic' attached would appeal to a mass audience. Now it's back to 'limited appeal'.
>>The problem is that the market isn't there any more.<<

Look to 2012 for a resurgence of interest. Of course, operating systems will have changed yet again so any updates made right now would be bordering on the obsolete in a modest 4 years.