Titanic Departure Photograph

You guys may be right, but wasn't Lusitania repainted for WW1? I thought that included the funnels.
Also, hard to tell but smoke seems to be coming out of all 4 funnels in the oval picture, something that could not have happened on the Titanic.

I confess that I still think those funnels seem too tall in relation to the superstructure for the Titanic.
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You guys may be right, but wasn't Lusitania repainted for WW1? I thought that included the funnels.
Also, hard to tell but smoke seems to be coming out of all 4 funnels in the oval picture, something that could not have happened on the Titanic.

I confess that I still think those funnels seem too tall in relation to the superstructure for the Titanic.
That's ok, Arun! Whatever starts a discussion!
The Funnels are painted "White Star Buff" and Black, you can tell from this distance. and the lack of structure on Titanic's Poop Deck.
The other pictures are obviously that of the Titanic but the he heights of the funnels in the oval picture made me wonder if this was an odd angle photo of the Lusitania.

Brilliant observation! However, I disagree. (feel free to rip my "observation" apart ;) )
1. the Aft open A-Deck Promenade
2. the Black rings around Lusitania's Funnels are not present

Some pictures: (from my own personal files)
mmmmmm... no deckhouse- can't be lusitania
From a distance the four stackers look more alike than different from each other.
Yes, of that era. Ships are easier to identify in profile or in close-up pictures with obvious structural variations. But an old sepia photo of the ship at such an acute angle makes it difficult. When seen at certain angles, the funnels of Lusitania appeared relatively taller than those of the Titanic and that's why I wondered about the oval picture.
Here is one of Lusitania in the distance for comparison. Mainly in the distance the 4 funnel liners can be identified mainly by superstructure and position/distance of funnels and masts.

Lusitania distance.jpg