Titanic fiction Which novels were the best

The Memory of Eva Ryker was well done, although the television version left much to be desired. American Heiress and The False Inspector Dew (The LaNeve/Crippen murder) are set on Lusitania and are both fabulous. Dancing on a Sinking Ship has a super cast of characters including the Duke and Duchess of Windsor-a must read, The Magic Ship is impossible to put down and features the quarantine of the Kronzprincessin Cecile in Bar Harbor, and also The Normandie Affair by Elizabeth Villars is superb.Agatha Christie has one of her mysteries featuring a liner- can't recall which one though-it may have been Mauretania. So many great novels-so little time!
Hi Mike- yes- I recall the television version on the Queen Mary (used for just about anything requiring a funnel these days)but am thinking of the title of the book-something about smuggled top secrets and spies I think. We may have to call out The Braintrust!
There was a BBC-filmed Poirot episode set on the maiden voyage of the Queen Mary and called 'The Million Dollar Bond Robbery', but the original short story was written at least 10 years before the QM was built. Anybody know what ship featured in the original?
As I recall, "The Memory of Eva Ryker" involved the Titanic. The movie had an unnamed, sinking ship. Though I have the book, I haven't seen the movie in years.
Morgan Fairchild was in the TV version of Memory of Eva Ryker- it was a dark novel with some upsetting incidents aboard Titanic- the dust jacket is very intriguing and has a great Titanic image on the cover. Okay- I am now wading through all of my paperback Christies to come up with that murder afloat tale.
Morgan Fairchild? Don't remember that at all! Not saying you are wrong Shelly, just that I don't recall.

What little I remember of Memory of Eva Ryker, was Natalie Wood was in it?

Hmmm, I just checked, and both of these actresses were in it. Which just goes to show, how little I remember of the show!
A poster and synopsis here-wow- 24 years ago- no wonder we hardly remember! http://www.jimusnr.com/EvaRyker.html No, I would not much like to be the star of this one as Natalie Wood is in a 20 year near "lunatic state". Sounds like a major downer!Rather eerie actually considering poor Natalie would drown in real life later on. Now THERE'S a mystery!
We want Christie's Man in the Brown Suit aboard the Kilmorden Castle (1924) made into a BAD TV movie in 1989 with Rue Maclanahan. Just tried to watch an update on the Murder on the Orient Express-it was a bomb. Christie updated just does not work.
Shame on me for mixing up film with books! Of course, Bob is right that the Queen Mary was in the tv version of The Million Dollar Bond Robbery. The liner in the short story was the Olympia. Oddly enough, another liner is mentioned in the same story, the Gigantic. Where have we heard that name before. lol.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Where is Poirot when we need him? Who better to investigate the switch conspiracy in his least challenging case: 'The Million Dollar Book Robbery'. :-}