Titanic Keel-laying date

Jim,while I had the photo of your goodself & your minister on the screen,my daughter thought that the minister was me.We would pass for brothers.I think I have him by at least 2".
seven degrees west.
Jim,all the years that I worked there I never once thought that it would end up looking like that.It certainly brings a tear to the eye.I was lucky,I've travelled the world following the dollar,for there are thousands who knew nowhere else.For example a fellow plater started in H&W at age 14 as a message boy & never worked anywhere else.He was offered the golden handshake when he was 61, as he was head of the planning dept.47yrs in the one firm.A lot of men were afraid to broaden their horizons.Then again there was the old redundancy payment,which was held over your head
Agh well I'll take the dogs for a walk,hit a few golf balls & down a few pints of the lunatic soup,it's a hard life,but somebody has to do it.
seven degrees west.

It is a sad sight and especially for yourself. I have said many times that my Dad and my Grandfather would turn in their graves if they could see it today.

I am glad that Dad took me up to the Yard for the launches when I was a wee lad.