Titanic passengers who cancelled voyage

Hershey's chocolate is available in the UK but there is very little demand - many of us have tried it once and once was enough! One of the reasons we in Europe do not like American chocolate is because the law there allows a much higher proportion of cheaper synthetic ingredients rather than genuine cocoa solids. We all tend, however, to have a nostalgic preference for the tastes with which we grew up, so many Americans will always prefer Hershey because of its pleasant association with the joys of childhood, even though it has a relatively bitter, less creamy taste than the European equivalents. Be wary, incidentally, of 'Cadburys' products bought in the US. Now that Hershey owns the company it's quite likely that on their home turf they will modify the formulas to suit the American market.

I don't know if records exist about the number of passenger's cancellation in Cherbourg and Queenstown.
I heard about the cancellation of booking for passengers in Southampton but have no idea if it was the same for Cherbourg and Queenstown.

Thank you for your help if you have any clue about that subject

Regarding the cancellations of some passengers to the Titanic, is anyone know if passenger cancelled way ahead the departure and ask for some refund?
I notice a lot of last minute cancellation, people who had tickets but didn't embark. But I wonder if a procedure of refund existed at that time for people who knew, some days or weeks before the departure from Southampton, that they couldn't go.

Thank you for your help
Just wondering, but was a list ever kept of passengers who were scheduled to sail on the Titanic but for whatever reason never made it aboard? My grandmother always said that she and my great-grandmother were scheduled to sail on the Titanic but never made it to Southampton in time due to their cross-channel steamer being delayed.
Whether you count one of the Ismay family famous! That was Bruce Ismay younger brother James Ismay book on Titanic but cancelled due to heath problem. O though he had left the company after JP Morgan brought WSL. He took up farming in Dorset suppling food for WSL. I have been to his village and followed through his life there. The Ismay name can be found in places. I consider him a smarter business man than his brother was!
James Ismay book on Titanic but cancelled due to heath problem.
Where'd you learn this, Mike? I don't think I've ever heard this before.
O though he had left the company after JP Morgan brought WSL.
He did; he retired from White Star when it was sold in 1902. And, as has been discussed many times before, Morgan didn't buy or own White Star, although he effectively controlled IMM, which indirectly did own White Star.
He took up farming in Dorset suppling food for WSL
James Ismay was better known for his animal breeding than for farming. Where did you learn that he supplied White Star?

For more about James Ismay, see News from 1930: Death of James Ismay .

First James Ismay. In Frances Wilson book HOW TO SURVIVE THE TITANIC. Which he talk or writes the life of the Ismay family. We can see James and Bruce are very different in live stile. We can see a of bit friction between the two brothers as father Thomas Ismay favourite James five years younger brother. Which doesn't surprise me as James was the bright spark at school work as Bruce was below the average and poor at maths. James pasted his exams work and when to Oxford University. As for Bruce would leave school and French University with NO qualifications to join his father company as a office training boy. Both are Directors of WSL whist under the leadership of Thomas Ismay. But a different outlook of life. Bruce took a much serious approach to WSL as for James no more than a well paid job. However when JP Morgan came into the picture 1902 things would change and James wanted out with the money from the shares. The country life was much of his stile of living were in a small village in Dorset County Iwerne Minster not to far from Southampton. Guest about 30 miles or even less. He brought a splendid Mansion with 400 acres from 2nd Baron Wolverton a well know wealthy banker in the railway business. He soon put to good use of the land by breeding sheep, cattle, pigs and growing crops.
I have now visit the village three times walked the length and contacted the local village historian and had a long conversation with him and others in the village too. They speak very highly of the man and virtually became the landlord of the village and hero as any thing they wanted to improve the village live he was only too willing to offer. Like the book they too believe he was booked on the Titanic but withdraw to pneumonia, which was to contribute in shorting his live to the age of 63. 24/12/1930. His large stone burial cast in the local church yard stand out well from the others as is the largest! If you like I can give you photos of the cast and village scene were James was to contributed into. Back to suppling food for WSL. They to believe he was suppling bacon, ham and vegetables. Which doesn't surprise me as he seem to be quite a smart business man. Bruce would visit him for weekend shootouts feeling quite jealous of his life stile and wander who has draw the short straw here!
As for the finance issue of JP Morgan into WSL. That is far from straight forward and rather leave that matter for now. But still interested and if been covered before with ET perhaps give me a clue were to look.
Do they say what the source of this belief is?

Hi Mark,
I am not too sure were you live in the World?
I think you are asking me were did I get the information were James Ismay cancelled his Titanic crossing?
On my visit to the pretty little hilly village Iwerne Minster in Dorset England. In the local pub or inn Talbot. There was a photo of young James Ismay with a brief history write up of the man. The Talbot was a country house at the bottom of the hill belonged to George Glyn, 2nd Baron Wolverton at the times, a London banker and a financial very much involved into the railway business. On his stay there he had a new handsome mansion Iwerne Minster House. (Some house to!) built on top of the hill side with a splendid country view around. Which In 1908 J. Ismay brought and the pub too. The Talbot over the years after James death in 1930 has changed hand quite few times, so the history can be a bit blurred of the building,
I managed to find a local historian Paul Previst and his wife and invited them to the pub lunch at the Talbot. Were we discussed the life of J.Ismay in the village. He certainly made a big in packed on the village virtually becoming the landlord of the area. As a local historian he probably knowns more about the life of J. Ismay whist in he was the village. He too thinks Ismay was booked on the Titanic. My walk about of the village meeting the locals they too seem to think the same to.
As for suppling food for WSL again the locals think the same. As he was a very successful business farming man. He probably learnt his skill in running a business from his father Thomas Ismay whom was himself was a successful business man In running of WSL. With his strong connection from the past with WSL, I can see the market for WSL. As a success of breeding pigs and verity of cattle and crop growing items to.
The splendid Iwerne Minster House after James death 1930 was sold to a private school Clayesmore and still in operation today. I have a visit the school were the name of Ismay is found with other buildings in the village to.
Years later the school was in a well known British comedy. Fools and Horses. Were there are ask to clean two large priceless French crystal chandeliers. As unbolting one of the chandelier from ceiling with a safety net to catch the item. The wrong one falls down smashing on the hard stone floor into thousand of pieces. Were they do a running in that dreadful old three wheeler yellow van!
With another change ownership of the Talbot pub the photo of James has been removed by the historian to a safer place.
I suppose the only thing to verify the story of J.Ismay cancelled Titanic and food to WSL, is another visit to the village which is about 70 miles from me.

This is true and is not just a "story"
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Seeing a list of some very rich and wealthy who cancel at the last minute. Did they get inside information of the coal bunker fire in progress?
Seumas can I remind you so much of the real true of Titanic never came forward due to the lack of investigates took place before the start of inquires. Then they were so many more who could of given evidence but were never ask! Ones has to question the ones who did give evidence was it the real true or a case keeping your mouth shut not to jeopardise their job with the company?