Tom Ryan

Visual storyteller
I am making a stern wreck model and since the TRMA page is no longer operational I have lost alot of references, so anybody that could link me to videos or photos to the stern wreck I would be very greatful.
Progress from today, added the blown away section of the D deck roof, the C deck wall over cargo hatch 6 and other destroyed walls and wreckage. Some pictures have a flashlight pointed in there to show the destruction of the walls on the inside.

For the stern to have maintained it's shape by the time it hit the sea floor, the stern would have needed to go down sinking aft and not forward to allow water to flow in and not leave any air bubbles that would compress and implode after the stern sunk to a certain depth.
Its a shame it happened like that, only because it’s too dangerous to send ROVs to the stern, it would be a great memorial place to have along side of the bow, especially cause thats where many peoples last minutes on the ship were.

Another question. Am I right thinking that the main reason all the walls, furniture etc are destroyed because of the rush of air teavelling through the ship as it went down, wiping all the walls and supports out?
Aw hell man, is that how it wouldve looked if nothing had collapsed in after hitting the ocean floor?

Yeah, i made a detailed 3d Model that break down every deck by deck where the ship is broken and the image is what was left of the stern when it hit the bottom, outside of several pieces draping over the stern like the boat deck