Titanic Voyage of Discovery

Does anyone know of this? I was cruising some Titanic sites and found this for sale. It says it has various things on it like deck plans, inside of ship, info on ship, steamship travel, 600+ pics of the Titanic, the music played on the ship, fact sheets, video clips, etc.

Then, on the same site, I saw a reference to buyiny/selling Titanic dives in 2005. Is that true?
Hi Deborah..
I don't know anything about the buying or selling of Titanic dives but I did purchase that CD and it is excellent. I also got an extra CD with Titanic screensavers. Of course it was a little costly $40.00 US and came from Australia but I had to have it. I bought it a couple of years ago and although I don't view it often, it is still a good addition to your collection. Sincerely, Melissa K.
Hi Deborah,

I'm not aware of either the CD or the dives to the Titanic.

The CD sounds interesting! Do you have the URL for it?

Best regards,

Hi Deborah and Melissa,

Thank you both for your help!

Now that I think of it, I have seen that site about the dives.

The CD looks terrific! I will definitely be purchasing it.

Best regards,

Hi Jason, Deborah..
You both would definitely be getting a good deal on this as I see that it has been reduced to US $19.95. When I bought it I paid $40.00 for it. Well worth it but gosh I wish I had gotten it for only half the price Sincerely, Melissa K.
Bit late 4 this discussion guys, but I got it from amazon for about £15, don't know what that is converted into dollars though! It's a brill cd, glad I got it! Hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Loz
Hey guys. I just purchased this for $24.95 and it's comes with something called "The Shipbuilder". I don't know much about either of them, I just liked what I read on the website. Was this a good buy?
Any one still have a copy? Seems to have rare footage and would love to some of it, seems that one cannot but it on Ebay, Amazon or really almost no place on the internet has barely any information on this, only the archived site