Titanic Voyage (RPG) - 2019

Titanic Voyage RPG is a week-long online roleplay game created in Russia by Daniel Hobi. In Titanic Voyage, you make your own character and experience the maiden voyage of the Titanic in real time by exploring the ship and chatting with other players. Titanic Voyage starts on April 10th and ends on April 18th, and registration begins close to midnight on March 10th. Also, the game runs in UTC/GMT time, so 12:00 P.M. in the game would be 7:00 A.M. in the Eastern US. The reason why I am posting this is because I would like to hear your opinion of Titanic Voyage. Are you considering to register for a character and board the ship on April 10th? If so, where will you be in-game when the ship hits the iceberg, and what will you do as the ship slowly sinks beneath the icy Atlantic waters?
Also, the registrations start in just under a week as of March 3rd, 2018, so if you are willing to register for Titanic Voyage RPG on March 10th and start playing on April 10th, I highly recommend that you put in the details about your character now. I have already finished mine.
Also, the registrations start in just under a week as of March 3rd, 2018, so if you are willing to register for Titanic Voyage RPG on March 10th and start playing on April 10th, I highly recommend that you put in the details about your character now. I have already finished mine.
How exactly do i put in the details of my character now? just write it down?
Yeah. Either that or you just type it in Notepad. The registration just needs a profile picture for your character, your character's gender, name, email (This is required for your Titanic Voyage character), date of birth (put your birthday, and then subtract your age from 1912 if you want your character to be the same age as you), the language you speak (it's automatically set to English, so you don't really need to fill this in if English is your native language), your stateroom (It's best that you put three cabins to choose from, because the registrations fill up fast, and once a cabin is occupied, you need to know the cabin owner's email to be their roommate, and in case one of the cabins you want is occupied, you still have some time to choose another cabin), the port you're boarding from (Southampton, Cherbourg, or Queenstown/Cork), and finally, (this one is optional),you can choose if you want to fill in your character's description to explain why you boarded the Titanic. That's basically all the requirements.
I forgot to mention, when calculating your character's date of birth, if your birthday is before April 10, subtract your age from 1912. But, if your birthday is after April 10, subtract your age from 1911.
(That would mean my character's birth year is 1897.)