Trevor Allison Remembered

Hold it..... It's so easy... It is the gun toting, cigar smoking,Mr. Gowan.......
Oh wait... he said heart throb too didn't he!?!? :)
Hmmm. back to the drawing board........
Well I guess if the only way I can get an answer is to make a guess, I believe that the one who said Mr. Heston, was right. I mean come on the cigar smoking head of the N.R.A. Now may I please have a date of death for Ms. Daniels?

Please excuse our juvenile antics.

But as for Sarah Daniels, I suspect we won't be finding out a lot more, for a while at least.

They can't help it Jana- too many weeks with no FunnelFlicks and movie trivia. My money is on Tom Selleck- E.G. Robinson was NO heart throb.C'mon Phil- I cry "uncle"!
I understand, I rarely have that much free time. Thanks for the help you all have given, but, will the death date be another trivia contest? If so, make it easy, I don't think I can take much more.