Turkish Bath complex redesign

I've been considering new ways the Turkish Bath complex could be reconfigured. The Olympic's cooling room was a showpiece that got rather compromised on Titanic in favour of logistics and accessibility - which really is what counts in the end, but I wonder if there was a way to have still made the cooling room an outboard room to maintain that atmosphere of natural light streaming through the portholes?

I created a few designs, but will show two here.

The first is design A which is similar to the Olympic, the only difference is creating an internal corridor so that the cooling room isn't the only transition point crossing between the steam baths and shampooing rooms. The cooling room is slightly shrunk, but maintains most of the original design intent, with some furniture reshuffling.

Design B uses the shape of Titanic's redesigned cooling room, moved outboard with columns and natural light reinstated. The shampooing rooms take the interior space instead. The distance between crossing from the temperate room to the shampooing rooms is reduced, compared to design A.

In both designs, the locker space is not longer adjacent to the cooling room, and attendants would have to exit and return if fetching from the locker.

One last consideration to Design C -- I think perhaps removing the 3rd changing stall, and putting an attendants door there, for faster access to the locker without crossing the vestibule.