Unknown child Sidney Goodwin

A good question, to which I do not know the answer -- I'm in the Americas, not Britain. But at this point everyone in the Titanic community should know that the original identification of Eino Panula as the "Unknown Child" was wrong, yet drivel like this continues.

It's possible that PBS knows that Parr and Ruffman have already made an informal announcement (in Halifax) that the "Unknown Child" is Sidney Goodwin. The network may be waiting for the completion of the peer review process before making a decision to pull "Titanic's Ghosts" from further broadcast and their online store (just speculation on my part).

Like Parr and Ruffman, PBS is in a tough situation. No matter what happens now, everyone looks bad.

Guess were back in the Wait And See mode then. If the networks are unaware of recent developments, I doubt very much it'll stay that way for long. Our's may be a small community, but it's a vocal one. If the networks show something no longer valid, they tend to hear about it.
I wonder where this brings us to now. Think about it:
From 1912-2002, the world thought the grave and it's harrowing story was of that of Gosta Palsson,
From 2002-2007, we were brought to heartache upon finding a clear picture and identification of Eino Panula,
2007- now we are brought to the conclusion that the child is Sidney Goodwin.
For Gosta and Eino, people all over the world, read their stories, connected to them, mourned them, and laid them to rest in Halifax. The world HAS the impression that after the books and t.v. shows, that Eino is in the grave, but now it is Sidney.
I wonder how will the world be notified, and what will the stories be? Will Sidney have a book/t.v. show? What will happen to Eino's? His book is out for the world to belief and belief(more so only Finnish-speaking people like myself=)).
It just seems Sidney is still shadowed by the celebration of Eino in 2002, and i'm wondering how will this mistake reach the world?
They're both on Wikipedia, that's for sure.
On September the 9th, take a few moments to remember one of Titanic's youngest victims, the Unknown Child, Sidney Goodwin.

Happy Birthday, Sidney, and rest in peace.

Titanic's unknown child is finally ID'd

Five days after the passenger ship the Titanic sank, the crew of the rescue ship Mackay-Bennett pulled the body of a fair-haired, roughly 2-year-old boy out of the Atlantic Ocean on April 21, 1912. Along with many other victims, his body went to a cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where the crew of the Mackay-Bennett had a headstone dedicated to the "unknown child" placed over his grave.

When it sank, the Titanic took the lives of 1,497 of the 2,209 people aboard with it. Some bodies were recovered, but names remained elusive, while others are still missing. But researchers believe that they have finally resolved the identity of the unknown child –concluding that he was 19-month-old Sidney Leslie Goodwin from England.
The body of a little boy was pulled out of the water by the crew of the rescue ship Mackay-Bennett, five days after the sinking. He was buried at a cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where a headstone dedicated to the 'unknown child' was placed over his grave.
The child was incorrectly identified twice in the past, but now researchers believe that they finally resolved the identity of the child. They believe he was 19-month-old Sidney Leslie Goodwin from England. The rest of his family also died during the sinking: http://www.tothecenter.com/index.php?readmore=15891

[Moderator's note: This message, originally a separate thread in a different topic, has been moved to this pre-existing thread addressing the same subject. MAB]