The thread on "Vaghinak Byurat" has been closed for lack of true facts and in finding no listings of his name.
However I came across a "Byurat Cultural Foundation" which has a biography of "Vaginak Byurat" (note the name is spelled without the "h").
It does have one line of that he was a passenger on the Titanic and that he was a survivor "on his first trip to America."
However , there is no mention of any other things such as his explosion theory.
Nor is there any mention of why his name does not appear in any passenger or survivor list.
I am wondering if someone might have just changed the name slightly to avoid any libel or copyright problems in that story with the obvious "cabin 804" and "50 year old Mrs. Astor"errors ?
But there is still the question of why the name of Vaginak Byurat or Moden does not appear in passenger or survivor lists ?
I have written by e-mail to this "Byurat Cultural Foundation" but no reply as yet.
But is it "for real" or not ?
Is there really any truth to this person or is it some sort of complicated hoax for some unknown reason ?
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The thread on "Vaghinak Byurat" has been closed for lack of facts in finding no listings of his name.
However I came across a "Byurat Cultural Foundation" which has a biography of "Vaginak Byurat" (note the name is spelled without the "h").
It does have one line of that he was a passenger on the Titanic and that he was a survivor "on his first trip to America."
However , there is no mention of any other things such as his explosion theory.
Nor is there any mention of why his name does not appear in any passenger or survivor list.
I am wondering if someone might have just changed the name slightly to avoid any libel or copyright problems in that story with the obvious "cabin 804" and "50 year old Mrs. Astor"errors ?
But there is still the question of why the name of Vaginak Byurat or Moden does not appear in passenger or survivor lists ?
I have written by e-mail to this "Byurat Cultural Foundation" but no reply as yet.
But is it "for real" or not ?
Is there really any truth to this person or is it some sort of complicated hoax for some unknown reason ?

I'm going to lean towards a hoax. The url for the "Byurat Cultural Foundation" is someone's Blogspot account.
I'm going to lean towards a hoax. The url for the "Byurat Cultural Foundation" is someone's Blogspot account.
Thanks for your reply-
I'm inclined to agree it is something of an elaborate hoax and I'm inclined to agree it's time to drop the subject.
But I'm something of a self-called "history nerd".LOL
And just couldn't resist seeing what I could find.
So after thinking it over, let's close this one for good.
Back to saner discussions.

Cheers !
Vaghinak Byurat’s Story has more holes in it than the Ship-Swap Conspiracy Theory. In the video, there Is a photograph shown that is alleged to be Byurat’s friend, the French passenger Moren, but in fact is real-survivor and Englishman Stuart Collett. There was no “cabin 804” on Titanic, because they were kept track of by deck as well as room number. Byurat’s fairy tale also hangs on the fact that he would not have survived if Mrs. Astor had not been 50 years old and claimed he was her son. But Madeleine Astor was actually 19 and newly pregnant. If Madeleine Astor had really made such a claim at the time, no one would have believed her anyways, and Byurat would have froze to death. These are just some of the easier ones to disprove.
Thanks Brian-
We've been through all of this on a previous thread and de-bunked the whole story as ridiculously absurd.
I (rather mistakenly ) was "taken in" by the rather lengthy "biography" on another website.
However I should have realized it was all a hoax in the first place from the "cabin 804" and "50 year old Mrs Astor".
But after checking the passenger and survivor lists and finding no name was what really "put the nail in the coffin" for me.
It's amazing to read the lengths some people will go to in their hoaxes.
If only the writer hadn't made those two glaring errors he might have written a more believable fairy tale. LOL
I can't understand how stupid he could have had to be to write that stuff and even more so to believe that the reader would believe there was such a person as "Vaginhak Byurat"/"Vaginak Byurat" ?

In the future I will try to be more discerning.
But I wouldn't bet on it. LOL
My spouse says I am often a bit dense and/or naive.

On second thought why he didn't he just put the poor fellow in a steerage cabin for four with a real number like James Cameron did for Jack and Fabricio and have him rescued by Mrs. Margaret Brown ? ....After all she did rescue Jack with a Tuxedo for dinner ?.....I think she was 45 years old in 1912......? LOL

I think there is some question about "G-60", too ???

Cheers !
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Also Margaret Brown was 45 years old in 1912 and Kathy Bates was 49 in 1997.
Pretty good type-casting ? :)

Academy Awards:
"And now the Booby Prize for 'the actress with the worst portrayal of a historic person in a movie'".
The envelope please.
The winner is
Tucker Maguire, as Margaret Brown, in " A Night To Remember"
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Thanks Brian-
We've been through all of this on a previous thread and de-bunked the whole story as ridiculously absurd.
I (rather mistakenly ) was "taken in" by the rather lengthy "biography" on another website.
However I should have realized it was all a hoax in the first place from the "cabin 804" and "50 year old Mrs Astor".
But after checking the passenger and survivor lists and finding no name was what really "put the nail in the coffin" for me.
It's amazing to read the lengths some people will go to in their hoaxes.
If only the writer hadn't made those two glaring errors he might have written a more believable fairy tale. LOL
I can't understand how stupid he could have had to be to write that stuff and even more so to believe that the reader would believe there was such a person as "Vaginhak Byurat"/"Vaginak Byurat" ?

In the future I will try to be more discerning.
But I wouldn't bet on it. LOL
My spouse says I am often a bit dense and/or naive.

On second thought why he didn't he just put the poor fellow in a steerage cabin for four with a real number like James Cameron did for Jack and Fabricio and have him rescued by Mrs. Margaret Brown ? ....After all she did rescue Jack with a Tuxedo for dinner ?.....I think she was 45 years old in 1912......? LOL

I think there is some question about "G-60", too ???

Cheers !
When I first read this I thought it was a joke name like Biggus Diccus or the many others that are out there.. But I looked it up and there are at least 300 people with that first name. So I guess the name could at least be real. But the rest of the story is pretty poor.
Looking at G-Deck Plan
There do seem to be some cabins numbered just numerically in addition to those in the usual "G-1" etc system.
But they all seem to be in the " #200 " series. ( I counted " #201 " to " #260 " )

No " #804 ".
The thread on "Vaghinak Byurat" has been closed for lack of true facts and in finding no listings of his name.
However I came across a "Byurat Cultural Foundation" which has a biography of "Vaginak Byurat" (note the name is spelled without the "h").
There are several such links on the web about this Byurat guy, each one of them dodgier than the next. IMO, it is a waste of time looking into this. Clearly, even if VB existed, he was not a passenger on the Titanic. Full stop.
As far as the name is concerned, It is of course a waste of time, but there are some interesting discovered aspects as to how many steerage passengers that they could cram into G-Deck.

At the risk of being called a party-pooper that "Tourist Class Cabin C-119 " on the old RMS Queen Mary doesn't look much different from Steerage Class on the Titanic in comparison ! Bah Humbug !