Visit Titanic Competition

There was an item on Sky News this morning about a competition which is soon to be organised, where the grand prize is a dive to the Titanic. Unfortunately, while some footage of the wreck was included, no mention was made of when the competition will take place, who will be organising it, and what entrants need to do to be in line to win.

However, it is something to keep eyes and ears wide open for! Does anybody know anything more about this?
Dan, I've gone and moved this topic to the General Folder where it's a bit more appropriate. As to the competition, I've heard about it. If anybody's signed up, then best of luck to them.
Well, I feel sorry for whoever wins. Being cramped in a small space with other people for 15 hours with no way out whatsoever and no real bathroom seems a bit nausiating. Just my opinion. It would be cool to visit Titanic. If only there were another way.
I think I would quite happly risk the discomfort for a view of the Big T, but I'm not holding my breath. The "complexity" of the competition question (in which year did Titanic sink?) should ensure they get a least a zillion correct answers.

Especially as they give you a choice of three, with the right one right in the middle!
So the question you have to answer is 'in what year did the Titanic sink?' You might be surprised how many people will get that wrong. Especially members of the Robin Gardiner fan club, who will think it's a trick question!
Call this number with your answer. +44 18653 12953 calls cost £2.50 per minute and will last a maximum of 10 minutes please ask the account holder before calling; calls may be monitored to eliminate correct answers.
Oops, sorry Bob, didn't see your gag.

I suppose the organisers could make the argument that the Titanic didn't sink at all.

The Tit broke off and sank by itself; then the anic upended and went down too.