Voyager of the Seas versus Iceberg comparison

If a modern cruise ship, like Voyager of the Seas or one of those Disney boats were subjected to the same damage as occured on Titanic, how well would it fare? I would love to hear speculation from some of my most learned and esteemed colleagues on this site.
Rob H>
Probably not as well as the Titanic did. The two compartment rule is, to my knowladge, treated as the maximum one needs to meet. Titanic exceeded that much by a considerable margin. Hopefully, nobody will ever be in a position to learn how much modern cruise ships can take the hard way.
The way the Artic ice is melting — 100 years from now you will perhaps be lucky to see an iceberg in the Nth Atlantic.
I would venture to say that the act of a terrorist aboard one of these ships would be of a higher probability then impact with ice.
I'll keep that in mind Steve when I go in two weeks. Thanks for the reminder.
I found this profile comparison of these two ships. I'll be staying on deck 8 as shown. The Titanic was 45,000 gross tons while Voyager is 138,000 gross tons, 3 times larger in volume. It looks top heavy. Hopefully the hurricane season is about over.
"...I'll keep that in mind Steve when I go in two weeks... Hopefully the hurricane season is about over..."

Hi Sam,

Talk about words which are both ironic and prophetic! I haven't seen the itinerary for VoS, so I wasn't sure what port you were sailing from, though I have seen this ship docked in Miami. As a result, I was thinking about you as Wilma took aim at south Florida and threatened to strike close to, or on your sailing date. How did you fair?

Scott Andrews
We just got back yesterday, 30 Oct. We sailed out of Bayonne, NJ on 21 Oct. Then at sea on 22 and 23 Oct. diverting out path a little because of TD Alpha. Spent 24 Oct. on Labadee, Haiti, and 25 Oct. on Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Was supposed to be at Georgetown, Grand Cayman the next day, but Wilma upset those plans by doing too much damage to their beaches and tendering facilities, so 26 Oct. instead was spent at sea. Next day, 27 Oct. we were at Nassau, and 28 Oct. in Freeport. On 29 Oct. we were at sea for return to Bayonne arriving on 30 Oct. As we were passing latitude just south of Cape Hatteras we were encountering 12 to 15 ft seas and about 25 knot winds with white breakers rolling on the sea. Nothing really to write home about in a ship that size, but we did get in almost 2 hours behind schedule. Had few extremely clear, moonless nights out there. To me it is amazing if anyone could see anything much beyond a ship's length or two on the sea in front of you at night with no moon. The location of the horizon can only be imagined. Anyone that says you could see an unlighted object at more than a couple of thousand feet away has never been to sea under those conditions. Spotted the lights of a few other ships at night and the only thing you can clearly see are its lights. I had 7x35 binoculars with me. One thing is certain, glasses are useless until you find the object first by the wider field of view of the naked eye. Then you can bring it in with the glasses to get a closer look. Even with glasses I was only able to make out the lights, no hull or superstructure. During the day it was a completely different story.