Washington Augustus Roebling

I was trying to find out if Washington Augustus Roebling II, who died on the Titanic, was the son or grandson of John Augustus Roebling who built the Brooklyn Bridge. I read somewhere that Washington Augustus Roebling who was the son of John, died in 1926. So Washington Augustus II must have been the grandson. Can you confirm this?

Joanne Caravello
New Jersey
I have done a good bit of research on the Roebling family (for a variety of reasons) and it aggravates me that no Titantic site EVER elaborates on 1st class passenger Washington Roebling. I will provide you with the materials that I have collected over the years. Washington was the grandson of John Roebling, the patriarch of the famous bridge-building family, and Washington's entire clan was wealthy and civic-minded. They erected a sizeable monument in Washington's memory in Riverview, the same Trenton cemetery where almost all of his family is buried.

Wendy Miller Nardi
Trenton, NJ
Roebling, Mr Washington Augustus 2nd (FROM YOUR PASSENGER LIST) Are you aware he was the namesake and nephew of the builder of the Brooklyn Bridge? (I'm just a bridge nut)

Jim McFarland
I would like to suggest a minor correction to the entry for:
Washington Augustus Roebling II

In the second paragraph, the name of the family business in Trenton NJ is given incorrectly.

The correct name was:

John A. Roebling Sons Co.

not Roebling Wire Co.

Donald Sayenga