What do you all think of the 'tourist dives' to Titanic

For the past few tears there has been a company that would take anyone who paid $32,000 or so down in one of the Mirs to view the Titanic wreck. Im very curious- how do you all feel about this? Should the paying public have the right to visit the wreck in person, or should the wreck be only viewable by the trained experts? Im wondering, as I know many people here dream of visiting the wreck, but might not be in careers that would ever give them direct access to Titanic, or any other shipwreck.(Hence the tourist dives would be the only way to see the ship)


Tarn Stephanos
I think viewing the wreck is absolutely fine-how much it costs you is your business, whether you want to pay it or not. Getting married down there-now that's sick.
I think that anything that helps keep the Mirs in business is a good idea, as long as it's not harming the wreck. Visits by the general public also help to keep the bastards honest, as we say in Oz politics.

At least two denizens of this forum have made the dive and some of their photos are on the site.
So long as nobody molests the wreck and they have the money to pay for the trip, I have no problem with it. Besides. it's not as if much can be done to stop it. Where there's a will to do it and the means to pull it off, somebody is going to make it happen.

Michael H. Standart
As usual, economics have the real say in the matter. The word I'm hearing is that reservations have tapered off to the point that no tourist dives to the wreck are planned for 2002. As we know, RMST is out of funds. The Mirs will have to occupy themselves elsewhere. Maybe advance word-of-mouth for Ghosts of the Abyss will stimulate sales somewhat; otherwise, it looks like Titanic gets some rest this year.
