What parts of Cameron's Titanic did you find to be humorous

Helen: LOL!

Or we could have had Mr. Ismay attempt to dive into Collapsible C, miss the boat, and fall into the water, as the officer watches with a big "Oops!" look on his face!

must say the bit when jack and rose run down the grand staircase into the flooding dining hall and you can see daylight coming through the windows in the background made me chuckle
the windows were backlit at night, just like the dome at the boat deck level. This backlighting improved the look of the frosted glass over the outer ports for the dining saloon. (The set was built, anyway, inside a huge sound stage.)
i fully agree with Sam on Fabrizio...most annoying character ! uugghh! and that fake Italian accent is not only awful, it's an insult...sorry, but even immigrating Italians did not speak that way ! what was Cameron thinking ? (maybe Kevin Costner's southern accent was worse in "13 Days", but not much).

an amusing moment to me was when Ismay and Thomas are at the bridge looking over the plans...after Thomas states the inevitable, Ismay says, "this ship can't sink !"....to which Thomas says.."there's (some huge number) tons of iron that make up this ship, i assure you, it CAN sink!"
The movie's Thomas Andrews quote was "She's made of iron! I assure you she can! It's a mathamatical certainty. Titanic will founder."

Hope this helps.

Michael H. Standart
It seems to me that one requisite cliche of EVERY Titanic movie ever made is that Jack Phillips must say "Blimey". I think there's one (was it SOS Titanic?) in which it was given to Harold Bride, but at least they keep it to the wireless boys.

Pat W
I find the entire movie hilarious!!!

Especially the collision with the iceberg. I enjoyed the insinuation that the iceberg was overlooked, at first, due to Frederick Fleet being so enthralled with Rose and Jack kissing on deck.

But that's me.

In my opinion that is when Jack and Fabrizio are at Titanic's bow and Jack shouts out "I'm the king of the world". I think that is very,very corny. And I agree with Richard that Fabrizio is annoying and that Italian accent is an insult to every Italian who ever emigrated to America. My parents emigrated to the United States from Italy and they never spoke English with that annoying fake Italian accent that Fabrizio has in this movie. What the hell was James Cameron thinking? Fabrizio's fake Italian accent is another Hollywood stereotype. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
If Fabrizio were the only corny, one-dimensional character on the screen, I would be quite satisfied. But ALL of Cameron's inventions were film clichés, from the sneering, supercilious Cal to the stone-faced robot Lovejoy, to the simple, good-hearted Tommy. He even put words into Thomas Andrews' mouth, having him carry on conversations with fictional characters. To his credit, though, he did avoid using a drunken Joughin for comic relief, which ANTR couldn't resist.

But back to the thread topic: I laughed out loud when Jack & Jill exited Boiler Room #6 and found themselves in Cargo Hold #3, and when "Jack Phillips" started pecking out total random garbage on the Morse key.



"But this script can't sink!"
"She is made of irony, sir. I assure you, she can."
I see that Fabrizio was played by Danny Nucci, who was born in Austria and raised in Italy. So is his accent his own, or did Cameron make him use it?
And here was me thinking that the chief topic of this thread was "humour" in Cameron's film rather than what was "corny" about it, or "annoyance" therewith.