sharon rutman
Although this really isn't humorous, Cameron's depictions of the real British characters were stereotypical and meanspirited. An almost out of control Lightoller, brandishing his revolver menacingly, sneers at a group of passangers "I'll shoot you down like dogs." Then there's catatonic Captain Smith stumbling away when a third class German (?) lady asks again," Kapiten, Kapiten, where should I go?"
Of course the cutest moment belongs to Jack as he beholds the nude Rose before drawing her: "Er lie down on the bed-er-the couch." That line was supposed to have been deleted, but they left it in because it made Jack look so endearingly klutzy.
Of course the cutest moment belongs to Jack as he beholds the nude Rose before drawing her: "Er lie down on the bed-er-the couch." That line was supposed to have been deleted, but they left it in because it made Jack look so endearingly klutzy.