Question What ship is this, being boarded by Harry Houdini?

This is an exceptionally rare RPPC (real photo postcard) of Harry and Bessie Houdini with the AWS (Associated Wizards of the South) taken on Southampton Docks prior to Harry Houdini's departure to New York on 21st May 1913.

The AWS are the 4th oldest magical society in the world and Harry Houdini became a member during a 5 night string of shows at the Southampton Hippodrome in 1911. Famously the day after this first meeting with the AWS Harry Houdini performed his Water Torture Cell trick for the very first time to a rumoured audience of 1 in Southampton. Houdini wrote articles and attended further meetings with the group.

During one meeting the AWS chairman, Professor Woodley challenged the star to a display of contact mind-reading. Houdini, boastful of his own expertise in this area, insisted on being the person to hide the object for Woodley to find, which he did, over and over leaving Houdini unable to discover the secret to the trick - I know, as I'm his great grandson but its a family secret. Professor Woodley can be seen behind Houdini's left shoulder (the tall chap in a cap). The famed early magician Spitari is also in the postcard, second on the left.

These postcards were available for AWS members only and no more then 10 were ever produced. I believe this may be the only existing copy. It has been lent out by the family on a few occasions over the years. Channel 4 productions, The Magic Circle and Magical World have all borrowed the postcard from the family in the past.
(Source Wild About Harry)


  • Houdini sailing from Southampton to NYC.jpg
    Houdini sailing from Southampton to NYC.jpg
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This is an exceptionally rare RPPC (real photo postcard) of Harry and Bessie Houdini with the AWS (Associated Wizards of the South) taken on Southampton Docks prior to Harry Houdini's departure to New York on 21st May 1913.
I have to expand on my "Like" a little bit and say that I found your post absolutely fascinating. That's so interesting that you are Houdini's great grandson.
I have to expand on my "Like" a little bit and say that I found your post absolutely fascinating. That's so interesting that you are Houdini's great grandson.
Kathy, Unfortuantely I am not Houdinis great grandson. I included the text that accompanied the photo.
The source is WildaboutHarry
I am hower and have been a lifelong fan and researcher of Harry Houdini!
This relates closely to a previous discussion:

This relates closely to a previous discussion:

WOW! Very Cool!
Thank You!