What was on the Titanic's final Dinner Menu

My sister's kids are studying the Titanic and she wants to fix them the 'final' dinner. Does anyone have that info, or can you direct me to where I could find it. I have been searching so far and have found nothing. Thanks
"Last Dinner on the Titanic -- Menus and Recipes from the Great Liner," by Rick Archbold and Dana McCauley (with a foreward by Walter Lord) should still be available in most bookstores. Look in the transportation section.
If that doesn't work, try Amazon.com
If that still doesn't work, let me know.
If you talk of the final dinner served to first class passengers on April 14, the menu reads as follow:

Hors d'Oeuvre Variés
Consommé Olga or Cream of Barley
Salmon, Mousseline Sauce, Cucumber

Filets Mignons Lili
Sauté of Chicken, Lyonnaise
Vegatable Marrow Farcie

Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes

Green Peas or Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes

Punch Romaine

Roast Squab & Cresson
Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette
Pí¢té De Foie Gras

Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs
French Ice Cream, Fruits

As Mike said, “Last Dinner on the Titanic” is a wonderful book with menus, receipes and full color images. I definatly recommend it. Sincerely,

Is that all first class? Because we are doing a report where you become one of the people from Titanic. I happen to be a third class passengers who has to look up what my passenger had for dinner! So if you gt any info put it up!!!!!!!!

Hey!!! At school we are doing a project that we become one of the passengers and we have to write in a journal and stuff. We even have a Titanic Day where we dress up and everything. I am a 3rd class passenger. My name is Mrs.Joseph Mary Abraham. If you know anything about me, email me at [email protected]. Thanx a bunch.

I have found the info on this website very useful and very interesting. In school we have a project due on the Titanic and I choose to write a report as a passenger aboard the ship.The info helped me use realistic events,ideas,places,and even foods.I recommend this website to anyone who is a fan of the Titanic or doing a report on it.You could find some very cool info.

Jonathan Richmond
Could anyone be so kind to share the menu of the 3rd class passengers? I am interested in the final dinner, but if possible, also the menu for the previous days.
Additionally, I was wondering how the 3rd class dining hall worked, was it cafeteria style, where everybody lined up to get their food at a counter, or was it served at the table?
Mette McCall
Hi Mette,

Page 116 of Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy by Eaton and Hass contains a: Specimen Third Class Bill of Fare. - The Menu was a weekly one. - Breakfast, Dinner, Tea and Supper.
Sunday Tea being listed as nearly as I can read it as: Ragout of Beef, Potatoes and Pickles; Apricots; Fresh Bread and Butter; Currant Buns; and Tea.
Supper - Every Day: Cabin Biscuits and Cheese. - Gruel and Coffee.
Hallo, Mette.

I have seen an 'artist's impression', presumably part of a White Star promo, of the Third Class dining room in which a smartly-dressed waiter can be seen moving between the tables. Idealised, of course, but probably that's the way it was.

(See "Titanic: An Illustrated History")
Joel, you can find the complete Third Class 'Bill of Fare' (breakfast, dinner and tea) for all 7 days of the week in the book mentioned above by Lester Mitcham. The same book also has a number of sample menus from Second Class, and details of the type and amounts of food carried on the ship. If your local library doesn't have this title, you can find similar information in many other books about the Titanic.