Question Why was there not a watertight bulkhead labeled "I"

Hello, I've been reading and doing research on the engines and how the power worked on the ship when I found a diagram of the watertight compartments and noticed that they are labeled A-P, excluding the letter "I". I was just curious why "I" was skipped over—is it a superstitious thing, or was it just left out due to how the letter looks visually, and it might have been confusing? I'll include the diagram below. Thanks for reading!
Very interesting, thank you. Peculiar to H&W? I've never seen an original, labeled H&W 'midship section or shell expansion of Olympic class.

John Brown & Co. (& Cunard's Nav Arch, Peskett) skipped the 'I' as did American construction of the era. However, I have seen hand drawn copies of 'midship sections that did have 'I' plating strakes indicated.
Very interesting, thank you. Peculiar to H&W? I've never seen an original, labeled H&W 'midship section or shell expansion of Olympic class.

John Brown & Co. (& Cunard's Nav Arch, Peskett) skipped the 'I' as did American construction of the era. However, I have seen hand drawn copies of 'midship sections that did have 'I' plating strakes indicated.
Here is a low resolution image of the Harland and Wolff 400-01 (Olympic, Titanic) shell plating plan from which the segment I previously posted was taken.
Thank you. I can't see it, unfortunately. It's not a shell expansion but I assume the strakes are labeled. Is this a H&W shop drawing? I'll take a wild guess that the bilge radius image you sent is from the half-breath midship section at the left?

Why H&W would be an outlier in lettering strakes is a bit confounding. From my own experience as a shipyard surveyor, standardized nomenclature is important for repair yards as well as builders.
Thank you. I can't see it, unfortunately. It's not a shell expansion but I assume the strakes are labeled. Is this a H&W shop drawing? I'll take a wild guess that the bilge radius image you sent is from the half-breath midship section at the left?

Why H&W would be an outlier in lettering strakes is a bit confounding. From my own experience as a shipyard surveyor, standardized nomenclature is important for repair yards as well as builders.
This is an original H&W drawing. It is a shell plating drawing but not an expansion. Your guess is correct. The plan segment I posted is taken at the turn of the bilge of the midship section. The strakes are also labeled on the main drawing on the right.