Wireless room ladder


In the "Last signals" film that Tom Lynskey made a few years back, Harold Bride tries to climb through the skylight via a ladder. Did they actually have a ladder in the wireless room, or is it just creative license?
In the "Last signals" film that Tom Lynskey made a few years back, Harold Bride tries to climb through the skylight via a ladder. Did they actually have a ladder in the wireless room, or is it just creative license?
Good day to you,

How are you? Despite being a movie which is about 85% accurate, there are a few mistakes here and there, it appears that the mention of the ladder to go through the skylight is a creative license as far as I am able to find out. I couldn't find any mention of it in Harold Bride his accounts at both the American Senate and British Board of Trade inquiries nor his newspaper article as far as I could see. The only account that is I don't have is from the 1954 and 1955 accounts from him as told to Ernest Robinson.

The movie at least is a lot more accurater then the other Titanic short movie Mr. Lynskey made.

I hope this might answers your question.

Kind regards,
