World War II shipwreck of SS Montevideo Maru, which sank with over 1,000 POWs, found in South China Sea

That's beyond awful, by far the worst fate to befall a Titanic survivor that I know of.
Sorry to quote you again, but here is the link about the Volyn (Wolyn) Massacre. I have to warn that it is extremely graphic.

I recall Nicolay or someone else telling me a few years ago that they were investigating a reliable claim that one of Rosa Pinsky's daughters somehow survived the massacre and eventually made it to the US, married, had a family and lived out the rest of her life there. If anyone knows more about this, please post in the Rosa Pinsky thread as there might be others interested in her fate.

Yes Arun you are correct. These things weren't limited to the last 2 world wars. There as old as war itself. In American schools when I grew up they always taught a sanitized version of history with the exception of covering the holocaust.

Even the 20 or so history classes I took in college it was pretty much the same thing with a few exceptions. Things that went on during the american revolution and the civil war were pretty grusome. But those things were mostly carried out by rouge groups and not sanctioned by the main armies.
Sadly it hasn't stopped. Isis in the middle east are still doing things on par or worse with anything that has happened before.
Unfortunately, as we can see, this continues even today. Similar things are happening right now in the Middle East and in Europe, as if the lessons of history mean nothing to people.