WW1 Destroyer "HMS Express" HELP

Mike Bull

Hi, can anyone out there please help me with finding a reasonable picture of HMS Express, which was a 'B' class torpedo destroyer built 1897, broken up 1921. (NOT the later HMS Express that was at Dunkirk etc)

I''ve just found out that my grandfather in law served on this ship in WW1, but can't find anything good on it at all-especially a picture! Please email me directly if you can help, via this site.


The National Maritime Museum holds three photographs of HMS Express (Richard Perkins Collection). The references are as follows:

CDC.1: 1908, at Dover, with others , topmast fitted
CDC.2: 1914, mainmast fitted
CDC.3: 1900, trials period

Copies will be made available for a fee. Current contact and ordering details are presumably available on their web site.

If you can identify her builder (which should not be too difficult from published sources) you may be able to find out if any of her drafts are extant and whether you can obtain copies. You might short circuit matters by raising a speculative enquiry on the draft room at the NMM.

On the matter of drafts, if they are available the Profile & GA and the Rigging Plan often turn out to be more satisfactory than any grainy old photograph.

And if you want to take matters further there are the ADM files at PRO Kew. If you're lucky there may be log books, incident reports or campaign 'bundles' available.

The ADM records are very extensive and you will need a 'key' to expeditiously identify your search path. I notice you are in South Wales, in which case it may be more cost effective for you to commission a researcher on the spot to do the initial ID-ing. Agree a fee beforehand.

I am unable to assist with this at the present time.

Thank you all very, very much for your replies, it's really appreciated, and as all I really need is a photo of it-(to be presented in a portfoilio on the family member who served on it)-I shall pursue those leads you've given me.

Again, it's REALLY appreciated, thanks!
