Encyclopedia Titanica

Console Phillips's Parents

New York Times

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Flood of Telegrams of Sympathy Reaches Them from All England.


Special Cable to The New York Times.


LONDON, April 20.--Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillips of Farncombe, Godalming, parents of "Jack" Phillips, the heroic Marconi operator of the Titanic, a story of whose end was told to The New York Times by Harold Bride, have received letters and telegrams of sympathy from all parts of the country.

"It is impossible for us to reply personally to all of them," said Mr. Phillips to a Godalming correspondent yesterday. "It is a great blow to us to lose our son in this way, but we are able to find some consolation in the great sympathy shown towards us by many persons whom we do not know, and also in the realization that by Jack's efforts many lives were saved.

"The letters we have had come from all kinds of people. One writes she is the mother of a wireless operator on a big vessel. Another is from the father of Harold Bride, second Marconi operator on the Titanic. One writer says: 'It is better to be parents of a dead hero than a living coward'."

"Jack" Phillips was a native of Godalming, and was educated in the local grammar school. He started his career as a telegraph learner in the Godalming Post Office, and in March, 1906, joined the Marconi School at Liverpool. He became one of the most efficient wireless operators.

The suggestion has been made at Godalming that that borough should take steps permanently to honor his memory.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Console Phillips's Parents (New York Times, Sunday 21st April 1912, ref: #4396, published 1 February 2005, generated 30th June 2024 01:43:29 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/console-phillipss-parents.html