Encyclopedia Titanica

Lesley Morgan

Worcester Theater Concert Nets $800
Fund For the Benefit of Mrs. Charles O. Asplund and Her Two Children Is Swelled to More Than $1900More than 1000 persons attended the concert in Worcester theater last night from 8 o'clock until almost 11, for the benefit of Mrs. Charles ...
Asplund Fund Totals $1031.25, But Body of Victim of Titanic Disaster Fails To Reach Worcester
The benefit fund for Mrs. Charles Asplund and her two children saved from the titanic, while her husband and three sons went to their deaths, yesterday passed the $1000 mark.The total amount subscribed last night was $1031.25, and that, w...
Based on 26 Questions and Much Like That of Our Senate LONDON, May 2 – Lord Mersey in his capacity as wreckcommissioner and five assessors who will adv...
The body of John Jacob Astor, one of the victims of theTitanic disaster, passed throughWorcesterthis morning fromPortland,Me....
Titanic Moving Pictures Barred in Bridgeport
Bridgeport,Conn.- Superintendent of policeBirmingham yesterday issued an order prohibiting the exhibition of so-called Titanic pictu...
Fund for Relief of Mrs. Asplund and Her Children is Growing Slowly
Money for the Worcester Titanic relief fund that is to be used for the financial assistance of Mrs. Charles Asplund and her two children who survived the Titanic disaster, in which her husband and three children were lost, is coming slowly to the rel...
Body of Charles Asplund, Titanic Victim, will be Buried in Worcester, Without Expense To Surviving Family
Subscription papers will be circulated, today and next week in the Slater building, State Mutual building and courthouse, in an effort to raise money for Mrs. Charles Asplund and family left in strained circumstances owing to the loss of Mr. Asplund ...
Lillian, Selma and Felix Asplund 1912
Mrs. Asplund with her children, Lillian and Felix in May 1912. Lillian is the older of the two children and is standing on the left. Felix is sitting on his mother's lap....
Worcester Friends Take Up Work of Aiding Titanic Survivors
An announcement was made in the G???mane Swedish Lutheran Church yesterday that a memorial service for victims of the Titanic disaster will be conducted in the church Sunday evening with Rev. John A. Eckstrom pastor, in charge.At this se...
Titanic was going 23 knots an hour. She ripped herself clear apart....
Boy's Prayer For Life Answered
New York, April 19- Edward Dorking, an English boy who was on his way aboard the Titanic to an Illinois farm and who saved himself by jumping from the deck, told today of the last minutes of the doomed vessel. "Three of us young fellows were standing...
Brave Musicians of Ship Meet Fate Trying To Drown Cries of the Perishing Passengers
New York, April 19.-Of all the heroes who went to their death when the Titanic dived to its ocean grave, none, in the opinion of Miss. Hilda Slater, a passenger in the last boat to pull off, deserved greater credit than the members of the vessel's or...
Wireless Operator Was Undressing with Receiver on His Ear When "S.O.S." FlashedNew York, April 19.- Capt. Rostron of the Carpathia told the tragic story of his rescue of the Titanic survivors to the Senate committee this afternoon....
Four of the Asplunds are Titanic Victims
Searching dilligently in New York Thursday night and all day yesterday at the pier where the rescued passengers of the ill-fated Titanic were delivered Thursday night by the Cunard liner, Carpathia, John Carlson, 193 Vernon Street, a brother-in-law o...
Futrelle Met Death Like Hero Says Wife
New York, April 19.- Mrs. May Futrelle, whose husband, Jacques Futrelle, the short story writer and novelist, went down with the ship, was met here by her daughter, Miss. Virginia Futrelle, who was brought to New York, from the convent of Notre Dame ...
Ice Cake Helped Him To Escape
New York, April 19.- A huge cake of ice was the means of aiding Emilo Portaluppi of Aricgabo, Italy, in escaping death when the Titanic went down. Portaluppi, a second class passenger, was awakened by the explosion of one of the boilers of the ship. ...
New York, April 19.Worcester Evening Gazette.Worcester, Mass.Have just left Cunard docks after witnessing arrival of Titanic's rescued passengers on the Carpathia.It was the most pathetic and tragic sight in ...
MajorWalkerTakes HisLife at Sea NEW YORK, April 20...
Lights Aid Boats Keeping Together
New York, April 19.- G.E.H.Stengel of Newark escaped in the only life boat which carried lights. He believes that a number of persons owe their lives to the forethought of a member of the crew who was quickwitted enough to snatch up three green glass...
George Q Clifford of Stoughton, president of Belcher Last company,Herbert Henry Hilliard of 42 Hichorn street, BrightonTimothy J., McCarthy ...
Mrs Abbott Is Still In Hospital
New York, April 19.- Mrs. Rose Abbott, of Providence, R.I., who was among the survivors is now in the New York hospital suffering with contusions of the legs. She will be able to leave the institution in a couple of days....
NEW YORK, April 19- Heroism of the English sailors who went down with the ill-fated Titanic was the one thing which most impressed Paul Cheveret, the Canadian sculptor, who left the steamship in one of the first boats lowered. He said that there was...
Pres. Hays Widow Leaves For Home
New York, April 19- Upon the arrival of the Carpathia, Mrs. Charles M. Hays, wife of the president of the Grand Trunk railway, who went down with the ill-fated Titanic and her two daughters, Mrs. Thornton Davidson and Miss. Margaret Hays, were met by...
Saves Dogs While Passengers Perish
Refused to give up the dog...
Says Ismay Chose Own Boat Crew
New York- April 19- According to Mrs. W.J. Cardeza, of Philadelphia, after she had arrived at the Ritz-Carlton with T.D.M. Cardeza, J.Bruce Ismay was not only safely seated in a lifeboat before it was filled, but he also selected the crew that rowed ...
Stead and Astor Cling to Raft
New York, April 19- One version of the deaths of John Jacob Astor and William T. Stead was told by Philip Mock, who, with his sister, Mrs.Paul Schabert, were among the survivors."Many men were hanging on to rafts in the sea," said Mr. Moc...
Still Playing As Water Creeps Up
New York, April 19- Mrs. John Murray Brown of Acton, Mass, who with her sister, Mrs. Robert C. Cornell and Mrs. E.D. Appleton, was saved, was in the last life-boat to get safely away from the Titanic."The band played marching from deck to...
Woman Relates Thrilling Race of Carpathia
Mrs. C.F. Crane of Fort Sheridan, Ill, a passenger on the Carpathia, today gave this graphic account of the Carpathia's thrilling race with death. ...
Charles Asplund, a former resident of Worcester; a six year old son, Carl, and another son two years old, are believed to have been included among the victims of the Titanic disaster.Mrs.Asplund and three other children. Felix, 13 years old...
Astor Put Boy By Wife's Side
A fine act of heroism by Col. John Jacob Astor was told by George A. Harder, a Brooklyn man, who survived the Titanic disaster."When Col. Astor had assisted his tearful young wife and her maid into a life boat, he tried to put in a young ...
Brave Countess Takes Charge of Lifeboat
New York physician escaped on the same boat as Countess Rothes...
Gazette Staff Man On Carpathia's Pier
Report describes Carpathia arrival....
New York- April 19- Mrs. Lena Rogers of Boston was saved from the Titanic in a boat which carried 55 women passengers. Crowded to more than its capacity, the boat was endangered of being swamped when Fourth Officer Louve [sic], who had it in charge, ...
Family and Friends of Worcester Man Now Satisfied He Is Among Those LostWalter E. Bigelow, business associate and friend of Walter C.Porter, last of the Titanic, who made a special trip to New York yesterday in the hope of securing favora...
The Sad "Might Have Beens"
Out of the fragmentary and disjointed reports of the survivors of the Titanic tragedy loom the big facts that compel the action on which congress has promptly engaged not only for thorough investigation of the affair but for formulation ...
Two of the Asplund Children are Lost
Charles and Selma and Three of their Little Ones, Lillian, Clarence and Felix, are Safe.Charles and Selma Asplund and their children, Lillian, Clarence and Felix Asplund, survive the Titanic disaster. Philip and Carl, the other children w...
For New Bedford Library
Artist Millett Bringing Back Sketches for Mural Decorations.New Bedford, April 17- Frank D. Millett, the artist, who was aboard the Titanic and whose name does not appear on the list of survivors, had been engaged to paint the mural decoratio...
Chargesranging from indifference to deliberate suppression of news are beingmade against the White Star officials on both sides of theAtlantic. As ground for these charges one needs to go back only to the rapid sequence of ev...
Mrs. Charles Asplund and Three Children are Saved
Her Husband and Two of Their Sons Are Believed to Be Among Those Lost on the Titanic, Though Names Sent Show Slight VarienceCharles Asplund, formerly of Worcester, his son Carl, 6 years old, and a baby boy 2 years old, are probaly a...
Name Not On List But Woman Is Safe
Mrs. Edgar Meyer Wires New York That She Is Returning on Carpathia and That Her Husband Is MissingNEW YORK, April 17.- A wireless message was received today by relatives of Mrs Edgar Meyer, daughter of the late Andrew Saks, reporting that...
No Sign Of Wreck
Report Futrelle Safe
London Hears Boston Author Is on Board Carpathia.London, April 17.-The list of survivors of the Titanic disaster as given out by the White Star line offices, contains the names of both Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Futrelle, Boston. Previous lists...

Charles Joseph Shorney

Charles Joseph Shorney
3rd Class Passenger

George Quincy Clifford

George Quincy Clifford
1st Class Passenger