Encyclopedia Titanica

Peter Engberg-Klarström

Member and Contributor since December 1998

Titanic's Stockholm Connections
Discover the stories of Swedish passengers on the Titanic and their lasting legacy within Stockholm’s community....
Titanic : The Last Boat
Collapsible Lifeboat D, the last boat to be lowered....
Lost Ladies
Who were they and why did they die?...
Shipwrecked again!
Titanic passengers and crew that experienced shipwrecks either before or after the Titanic disaster....
A Titanic who was who?
People that boarded Titanic under assumed names...
Lucky 13
Why did only 13 second class men passengers survive the sinking of the Titanic?...
On Board RMS Titanic : Memories of the Maiden Voyage
Peter Engberg reviews George Behe's compilation of letters written aboard RMS Titanic...
Notes on Lifeboat Lists
Exploring the difficulties in producing a credible list of Titanic survivor lifeboat placements....
Plucked from the Sea?
Survivors' Claims Reconsidered...
Unlisted Titanic Passengers and Crew
Fake Titanic passengers and crew...
William H. Turnquist (Obituary)
Veteran captain of the Matson Navigation Co....
Father Wants To Trace His Lost Family
Philip Zenni, 216 S. Main st., offered $25 reward Friday for information regarding the whereabouts of his wife, Elsie, and their four children, Mathilde, 13; Joeffrey (sic), 11; Frances, 9, and Nazzare, 7. ...
Bond Set at $3,000 On Assault Charge
Accusation Brought at Instance of Wife...
John Anderson, who has been missing from the Cardiff Mental Hospital at Whitchurch and who had been reported to have been drowned, is now back in that institution, his re-capture being brought about as a result of hie immersion in the West Bute Do...
Interview with Philip Zenni
I was in my bunk in the steerage when one of the fellows with whom I was traveling woke me and said the ship had hit something......
James Webber
Wealthy Englishman...
Friends Shocked When News of His Fate Is Received in City Yesterday....
Dr. Moraweck's estate
Proof of Moraweck's death established by three survivors of the Titanic disaster....
Miss Bowker's Account
The Little Sutton Schoolroom was well filled on Friday, when Mr. G. H. Bowker, whose sister was one of the survivors of the Titanic, gave a lecture on the gigantic ship. The Rev. A. H. Rhodes presided.Mr. Bowker mentioned that if the ship&r...
Titanc Victims [Bree, Wexford]
Miss Lizzie Doyle, Bree, and Mr Robert Mernagh, Ballyleigh, Ballywilliam.  Sincere and widespread regret was felt in Bree and the surrounding district when on Saturday week last it became known that Miss Lizzie Do...
Miss Lyyli Silvéns account
Having found her relatives she was reluctant to enter even the last boats, but Rev. Lahtinen had forced her to do so. Rev. Lahtinen had been looking calm and cheerful. Mrs. Lahtinen was supposed to be helped into the boat as well, but she clung to...
Miss Troutt's Story
Bath lady tells of the sinking of the Titanic...
Mrs. Wadia Nakid's account
Mrs. Wadia Nakid says that she and her husband, who was carrying their one-year-old child, went up on deck, and waited to get into one of the lifeboats. An officer told her to come forward, but didn’t want to let her husband come with her, a...
Dorothy Gibson's Account of the Titanic disaster
I walked down to my room, at just 11.40. No sooner had I stepped into my apartment than there suddenly came this long drawn, sickening crunch....
Sundman's Account
Account of the Titanic sinking by Johan Sundman...
Among the large number of souls who perished with the Titanic recently we regret to report that among that number was a young man named Richard Parsons, aged 18, a native of Ashbrittle, and whose relatives still live in the neighbourhood, his fath...
Mrs Davison's Account
'We were among the last to leave. We had retired when the crash came. Harry threw on some clothing and started on deck to see what was the matter. As we came on the deck we saw men and women fighting (?) about the lifeboats. Some of the boats...
Mrs Kenyon's Account
Mrs. Kenyon afterwards told me that the shock of the impact with the iceberg was very loud and heavy, but immediate danger was not expected, and altho she and Mr. Kenyon were then retiring, they had time to dress and she put on an overcoat and ho...
Thomas Cardeza's Account
Thomas D. M. Cardeza of Philadelphia told last night at the Ritz-Carlton how he and his mother, Mrs. J. W. M. Cardeza, together with the latter's maid and Mr. Cardeza's valet, got away from the Titanic.... "I had gone to bed but had ...
Four Butte Bulgarians who sank with the giant ship
Bulgarian Railroad workers lost on Titanic...
Mrs. May Futrelle's account
It came my turn to get into a boat, it was the last, or next to the last lifeboat launched. Mr. Ismay was not in it, nor anywhere around....
Ivan Jaalasovich Who Escaped from Titanic Homesick for Native Land
TOLD REPORTER OF HIS ESCAPE. Jumped into Same Lifeboat in which Frank Kurun Escaped Accompanied Kurun to Galesburg Ivan Jaalasovich, who was one of the passengers on the Tit...
Mrs. Mary Osman, a Titanic wreck survivor
Her husband, Mele Osman, is doing time in the penitentiary ...
Amsterdam Girl Tells Graphic Tale of Wreck
Mrs. Frederick M. Hoyt Returns to Home of Parents and Gives the Recorder a Description of Her Experiences Following the Crashing of the Titanic Into the Iceberg, Which Meant the Loss of Hundreds of Lives....
Ellen Toomey's Account
"A lady by the name of Watts and her daughter were in the cabin I occupied... Before we knew it we found ourselves in a lifeboat and being lowered. There were three sailors in the boat and two men....There were thirty-five in our boat, which...
Emily Badman's Account
'...When we reached the water we could see that the Titanic was fast sinking and the six men who were rowing pulled us away as fast as they could....We had gone about a mile when there were two explosions and the Titanic split in two. The fro...
Letter from Susan Webber to the parents of Lewis and Onen Braund
61 Heath Street Hartford City Conn U.S.A. April 23 1912 Dear Mrs & Mr Braund I feel it my duty painful as it is to write you these few lines kno...
Mrs Chaffee's Account
"When my husband and I, having been instructed to put on our life belts, were coming up the stairs to "A" deck, we were met in the landing by an officer, the only one I had seen since the ship struck. I had said to Mr. Chaffee: ...
Tomlin returning to complete his work for graduation
Tomlin left Southhampton (sic) last week to return to the local institution to complete his work for graduation this spring...At Drake University, Tomlin was well known and had a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. He was a student in...
Victim had relatives in this city
Another victim of the Titanic who had relatives in this city was Charles William McKay...
Charleroi Man Loses Family
John Panula Had Home Ready for Wife and Children...
Miss Mary Davis
One of the survivors of the Titanic catastrophe...
William Carter's Account
William E. Carter, when Mr. Ismay's statement was shown to him, corroborated the White Star line official. Mr. Carter said: – "The statements which have been made by many persons regarding Mr. Ismay's conduct are an inju...
Mrs Goldenberg's Account
When the crash came Mr. and Mrs. Goldenberg ran out on deck. Mrs. Goldenberg ran out on deck. Mrs. Goldenberg, who had not waited to dress, but had only pulled a skirt over her night dress, was helped into one of the firs...
Maud Sincock's Account
"I was put into the last boat that left the Titanic,'' she said. ''I should say there were fifty women in the boat and two men. One of the men was a sailor, the other a man whose sister was in the boat. I don't know why t...
Mr and Mrs Edward Beane
In the official list of second-class passengers appear the names of Mr. Edward Beane and Mrs. Ethel Beane. ...
Mrs Thorneycroft's Account
'Mrs. Thorneycroft was in the tenth life boat which carried 55 survivors, the number later increased by six men who were picked up from bits of wreckage and who were nearly exhausted when found. The boat was manned by three oarsmen. They, with...
News of the Thorneycrofts on the Titanic
Last message posted at Queenstown...

Ida Augusta Margareta Andersson
Artur Karl Olsen

Artur Karl Olsen
3rd Class Passenger

Johan Martin Holten

Johan Martin Holten
3rd Class Passenger

Karl Albert Midtsjø

Karl Albert Midtsjø
3rd Class Passenger

Elisabeth Walton Robert

Elisabeth Walton Robert
1st Class Passenger

Elisabeth Walton Allen

Elisabeth Walton Allen
1st Class Passenger

Fermina Oliva y Ocana

Fermina Oliva y Ocana
1st Class Passenger

Johanna Persdotter Ahlin

Johanna Persdotter Ahlin
3rd Class Passenger

Anna Lydia Amanda Hämäläinen
John Gill

John Gill
2nd Class Passenger

William Thompson Sloper

William Thompson Sloper
1st Class Passenger

Francis William Somerton

Francis William Somerton
3rd Class Passenger

Annie Jessie Harper

Annie Jessie Harper
2nd Class Passenger

Victor Francis Sunderland

Victor Francis Sunderland
3rd Class Passenger

Mariyam Tu'mah

Mariyam Tu'mah
3rd Class Passenger

Augustus Henry Weikman

Augustus Henry Weikman
Victualling Crew

Encarnación Reynaldo
2nd Class Passenger

Ida Daisy Minahan

Ida Daisy Minahan
1st Class Passenger

Susan Gertrude Kimball

Susan Gertrude Kimball
1st Class Passenger

Nāsīf Qāsim Abī-Al-Munà

Nāsīf Qāsim Abī-Al-Munà
3rd Class Passenger

Ilmari Rudolf Alhomäki

Ilmari Rudolf Alhomäki
3rd Class Passenger

Samuel James Rule
Victualling Crew

Nikolai Johannes Peltomäki

Nikolai Johannes Peltomäki
3rd Class Passenger

Hilānah al-Ba'qlīnī
3rd Class Passenger

Margaret  Murphy

Margaret Murphy
3rd Class Passenger

Halīm Mubārik

Halīm Mubārik
3rd Class Passenger

Neville Leslie Coutts

Neville Leslie Coutts
3rd Class Passenger

Bertha Ilett

Bertha Ilett
2nd Class Passenger

Einar Gervasius Karlsson

Einar Gervasius Karlsson
3rd Class Passenger

Helmina Josefina Nilsson

Helmina Josefina Nilsson
3rd Class Passenger

Ethel Beane

Ethel Beane
2nd Class Passenger

Ernst Heribert Björklund

Ernst Heribert Björklund
3rd Class Passenger

Frank Dymond

Frank Dymond
Engineering Crew

Archie Jewell

Archie Jewell
Deck Crew

Marie Marthe Jerwan

Marie Marthe Jerwan
2nd Class Passenger

Adolphe Saalfeld

Adolphe Saalfeld
1st Class Passenger

Alfred Nourney

Alfred Nourney
1st Class Passenger

Emilie Kreuchen

Emilie Kreuchen
1st Class Passenger

Erik Gustaf Lind

Erik Gustaf Lind
1st Class Passenger

Ernst Axel Algot Aronsson

Ernst Axel Algot Aronsson
3rd Class Passenger

Nils Johansson

Nils Johansson
3rd Class Passenger

Johan Vilhelm Henrik Törnqvist
Jirjis Yūsuf Tu'mah

Jirjis Yūsuf Tu'mah
3rd Class Passenger

Carl Olof Jansson

Carl Olof Jansson
3rd Class Passenger

Walter Hurst

Walter Hurst
Engineering Crew

Kate Gilnagh

Kate Gilnagh
3rd Class Passenger

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