Encyclopedia Titanica


Hudson Observer

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Jersey City Man Whose Father was Aboard the Titanic Taken Into Custody
Driven to the verge of insanity by the thought that his father in all
probability went down with the ill-fated Titanic, Frank Myles, 29 years
old, living at 256 Grove street, was arrested late yesterday afternoon
by Patrolman May, charged with being a disorderly person. Yesterday
morning Myles, who was then grief stricken at the thought of the
terrible disaster and of the awful fate that had befallen his father,
received a telegram from his sister, Gertrude Myles, dater [sic] from
Cambridge, Mass., the home of the Myles family, saying that his father
had sailed on board the Titanic, but had been rescued from the wreck and
was safe on board the Carpathia.

As it was reported that Miss Myles was on board the wrecked
steamship with her father, curiosity was excited as to how she sent a
message from Cambridge to her brother here reassuring him that all was
well, and inquiry was made at 256 Grove street, where Myles roomed. Mr.
Keller, a gentleman living at that address, who has known the Myles
family for many years, stated that Miss Gertrude, the daughter, is home
in Cambridge; that in all probability knowing her brother's excitable
nature and being afraid of what lengths his grief might drive him to,
had sent the telegram to reassure her brother, hoping against hope that
their father had been saved. He expressed great surprise at hearing of
young Myles' arrest, laying the blame to the fact that he is nearly
crazed with grief from brooding over the untimely end of his father, as
the young man's family is regarded as one of the most influential and
respected in Cambridge.

The report circulated that the elder Myles had been in the employ of the
White Star line over forty-five years is untrue, according to Mr.
Keller, who says that while he had been a great traveler formerly, for
many years past he had been engaged in business in Cambridge. Mr. Myles
had been in Ireland for the purpose of settling up some property there
and when ready to return had booked passage on the Titanic.

After receiving his sister's telegram yesterday morning, Myles learned
from some other source later that it was untrue, and becoming violent in
his actions, started out on a tear along Grove street, which resulted in
his arrest at the corner of Grove and Mercer streets. At the Second
Precinct station where he was taken after being booked at the City Hall
station, Myles gave evidence of the first symptoms of delirium tremens,
and after an ambulance was called from the City Hospital he was taken to
that institution. Up to a late hour last night his condition had not
changed. His brother, Dr. Frederick Myles. of Cambridge. has been
notified of his brother's condition, and will probably arrive here

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Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) CRAZED WITH GRIEF BY FATHER'S DEATH (Hudson Observer, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #6188, published 1 June 2008, generated 3rd July 2024 11:18:22 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/crazed-with-grief.html