Encyclopedia Titanica

Did Miss Nora Keane, Titanic Survivor, Foresee Disaster? 

Harrisburg Girl Saved from Sinking White Star Liner

Harrisburg Telegraph

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Nora Keane
Miss Nora Keane

Harrisburg Girl, One of Women Saved From Ship, Didn't Want to Take That Boat. 

When on April 11 Miss Nora Keane, sister of Albert Michael Keane, 167 Paxton street, and one of the survivors of the ill-fated Titanic, set sail for home on that steamship at her brother's request, she did so with very great reluctance. 

Could she have had a premonition of what was to happen when the great ocean greyhound crashed into an Iceberg? 

While all the Telegraph's readers feel, with most of the civilized world, the horror and amazement at the greatest maritime disaster in history, Harrisburgers are particularly interested in the catastrophe because of the fact that a Harrisburg girl was aboard the steamship.
Worried, fearful of the worst, hopeful for the best, the girl's brothers and sister here, all day yesterday and last night waited anxiously for some news of the missing ship or its survivors. Miss Kean's [sic] brother Michael couldn't, wouldn't wait for news; he left for the White Star Line's office in New York early to-day in an effort to learn something of his sister. 

Miss Keane Old Sailor 

"If my sister would have gone down I can't help but feel that I would have been the cause of her death," almost sobbed Keane before he left. "This was Nora's third trip across and she didn't want to come on this boat. But I finally persuaded her to do so. Why I never dreamed of an accident to the Titanic. I hoped and prayed that she would be among those who were saved." 

"I have traveled on the water lot." said he. "I naftc [In fact], I've been over and back at least a dozen times. I know what it is to hit an iceberg, too.  Not any of the boats on which I was a passenger ever actually struck one of them, but we had some narrow escapes. Why, coming down the coast of Nova Scotia one can almost sense the nearness of them. The seamen say they can 'smell 'em.' one easily knows they are near long before the ice Is actually seen; until you are close upon one it looks like a big cloud of thick mist or fog. The steamers post lookouts and they have very delicate thermometers, too, for the guidance of the navigators. 

The Hoodoo at Sea 

"There seems to be a sort of hoodoo following Captain Smith," went on Mr. Keane. "He has had four or five serious accidents while commander of the Olympic, but he had a cool head and plenty of courage." 

Miss Keane left Harrisburg early in December to spend Christmas with her mother at Limerick. She intended to return a month ago, but decided to remain over Easter at her home and come to Harrisburg soon after. When she wrote to her brother Michael about another boat she expressed her opinion that the older boat might be the safest. Miss Keane has five brothers and one sister residing in Harrisburg, Albert Michael. Paxton street; John A. and Dennis, well-known passenger engineers of the Pennsylvania Railroad; James and William, freight engineers, and Mrs M. A. Jones, wife of a well-known freight conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2022) Did Miss Nora Keane, Titanic Survivor, Foresee Disaster?  (Harrisburg Telegraph, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #664, published 24 March 2022, generated 4th July 2024 02:38:19 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/did-miss-nora-keane-titanic-survivor-foresee-disaster.html