Skilled Mariners Say Titanic Bottle Is Fake
(By Telegraph to The Tribune)
New London, Conn., Aug 1---Prominent mariners here believe the message found
in a bottle off Block lsland last Friday, purporting to have been written by
Major Archibald Butt, a vlctim of the Titanic disaster, to be a hoax.
Captain Charles E. Littlefield, who was navigator aboard the non-magnetic
globe-circling schooner Carnegie, says a bottle would not float toward Block
Island waters, but take an easterly course and reach the Irish coast, or
possibly the shores of Portugal.
Captain Silas M. Marsters, who was sailing master of Edward R. Coleman's
schooner yacht Hildegarde in the Kaiser's Cup ocean race, several yeara ago,
says a bottle starting from the point where the Titanic sank would not reach
Block Island on a floating trip in ten years.
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