Encyclopedia Titanica

Edvard Bengtsson Lindell

Third Class Passenger

Mr Edvard Bengtsson Lindell 1 was born in Mörarp, Malmöhus County, Sweden on 31 January 1876. Bengt Magnus, b. 9 May 1830 at Haslöf (d. 14 March 1878), and Botilla (sic; nee Johansdotter; b. 13 August 1834 at Mörarp; d. 28 October 1911) Nilsson. His parents had married 12 April 1856.

His brothers and sisters, all born at Mörarp, were Johanna, b. 19 March 1861, Christina, b. 8 November 1863 (d. 1 November 1876), Maria, b. 19 April 1867, Nils, b. 28 May 1870, and Frithiof, b. 3 March 1873.

He had been an employee of Ramlösa Shoe Factory for four years and lived at Pålstorp 5, Skogsgatan 7, Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden.

He married Elin Gerda 21 October 1905.

Lindell and his wife Elin Gerda had decided to emigrate to the USA. They got their certificate on 4 April 1912. According to some papers they had a child but that is not noted by register office at Raus, Helsingborg so it is probably a misunderstanding from the papers.

The couple were on their way from Helsingborg to the home of A. Petterson, 10 Smith St. Hartford, Connecticut. They boarded the Titanic at Southampton as third class passengers.

After the collision with the iceberg on April 14, 1912 Lindell and his wife met up with fellow Swedes August Wennerström and Gunnar Tenglin. As the ship sank the group struggled up the sloping deck until it was too steep and, clasping hands, they slid back down and close to Collapsible A.

Once the ship went under Wennerström and Lindell climbed into the boat. Wennerström saw Mrs Lindell in the water and grabbed her hand. Weakened by the cold he was unable to assist her further and after a while she drifted away. During the night according to Wennerström "Edvard's hair turned all gray in lesser time than 30 minutes". He died soon afterwards and lost Gerda's wedding ring which he had been holding. Neither his or Gerdas bodies were found, he was probably lowered overboard to make the unstable boat lighter.


He seems to have added the name Lindell at some point.


Gavin Bell, UK
Peter Engberg-Klarström, Sweden
Günter Bäbler, Switzerland

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  1. Mauro Zungri

    Mauro Zungri

    Hello Friends! I look for information on the Lindell. Somebody can help me? THANKS!!!!!
  2. Brian J. Ticehurst

    Brian J. Ticehurst

    Hello Mauro - Here is my printout for Mr. and Mrs. Lindell - you may find something new in it? Best regards - Brian Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson. Missing. Died in Lifeboat number A. Shoemaker of Palstorp No. 5, Skogsgatan 7, Helsingborg, Sweden. Next of kin - Nils Perston, Grantofla, Sweden. En route to - Mr. Ald Pettersen, Smith Street, 10, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Born 31st January 1876. (From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913) Number P. 207. Lindell and his Wife. Parents received a grant of £50. Insurance claim C91. Life $10,000. Property $250. Claims filed by parent -in- law. Mr Edvard Bengtsson Lindell, 36, from Helsingborg, Sweden, boarded the Titanic at Southampton with his wife Elin. They were travelling to Hartford, CT. After the collision with the iceberg on April 14, 1912 Lindell and his wife met up with fellow Swedes August Wennerström and Gunnar Tenglin. As the ship sank the group struggled up the sloping deck until it was too... Read full post
  3. Mandy Le Boutillier

    Mandy Le Boutillier

    Hi Mauro and Greetings Mr Ticehurst! You may be interested to know that Gerda Lindell's wedding ring (which is a very unusual style double ring - like wedding and engagement bands welded together)is currently on display in the Titanic exhibit that is travelling around Europe. It was seen by over 100,000 visitors during just three months in Barcelona last Summer. It is currently in Porto in Portugal but is moving to Bilbao and then on to Madrid. The ring is on display with a beautiful and poignant life sized photograph of the Lindells in which the ring can clearly be seen on Gerda's finger. Best regards and Happy New Year Mandy.
  4. Bill Wormstedt

    Bill Wormstedt

    Thanks for the information, Mandy - you answered just the question I was thinking of asking!
  5. Mauro Zungri

    Mauro Zungri

    Hello Brian, THANKS very very very much! by all the information. I apologize by my ingles I am of Argentinean and great-grandchild of James Vivian Drew (fleeting of second class) I am to your disposition in which it can serve to you. Sincere greetings
  6. Mauro Zungri

    Mauro Zungri

    For Thanks the information Mandy. Four years ago the rest of Titanic arrived at my country (Argentine) and was fabulous. Again thanks! Sincere greetings.
  7. leafben26


    The ring in currently on display at the Titanic Exhibit in Seattle, WA. I was there on 12-7-24. There was a picture of her and her husband next to the ring. If you can't see it for yourself I'd would be happy to send you a picture of it.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Edvard Bengtsson Lindell
Age: 36 years 2 months and 15 days (Male)
Nationality: Swedish
Marital Status: Married to Elin Gerda
Last Residence: in Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden
Occupation: General Labourer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 349910, £15 11s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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